- 配信者:MAPPA CHANNEL,チャンネル登録者数 136万人
- 累計再生数:9305万 ,一日あたりの再生数:254931
- 累計コメント数:48,183,一日あたりのコメント数:132.01
- 累計高評価数:1,512,616,一日あたりの高評価数:4144.15
- 総合バズリスコア:1287
- この動画の推定収益: 18610000円
補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。
- Season 1 was pretty good, looking forward to the next one, it's gonna be wild!
- 9 months and I'm still enjoying this legendary opening ️
- One of the most Iconic Opening of all time and the first Japanese song to be certified gold in the US Also my favorite opening too
- Even if you don’t like anime openings, I’m pretty sure nobody would skip this, the animation is just so eye catching. Few openings are this captivating, most are boring asf.
- Power and Denji being the chaotic younger siblings and aki being done with them is absolutely golden
- Fun fact to those who were not aware - Kenshi (the singer) actually wrote and composed this song!! He took into account the manga and wanted to portray that accurately and I think he knocked it out of the park. I swear that man is pure talent
- Without even watching the anime itself, this opening is sick and now i wanna watch it
- 何度見てもゾクゾクするほどすごい映像だ……。全体を貫く異様な滑らかさが、描写の異常さを際立たせていて、作品世界を深く高く表現している。これまでいろんなOPを見てきて何度も感激したが、その中でも頭一つ以上突き抜けた映像だと思う。アニメファンでいて良かった。今まで生きてきてよかった。この時代に生まれて良かった。ありがとう>スタッフの皆様。
- One of the most layered and visually impressive openings imo. Still come back to it haha
- This anime was so fricking good , the op the eds , the plot , the characters , the twists , the whole vibe is a 10/10 i wish that i could forget everything just to watch this masterpiece again , hope they do all the seasons justice by not using cgi
- I love that the animators managed to capture how weird and brilliant chainsaw man is in one opening
- Honestly, Chainsaw Man is what got me back into anime after being away from it for almost 5 years. The storytelling, suspense, and artwork really drew me to it and I can’t wait for season 2!
- I am never gonna get of sick of watching chainsaw man’s season 1 opening.THIS IS A REAL MASTERPIECE.
- 様々な映画のオマージュを散りばめてるのが素晴らしいし、違和感なく収めている技術の高さよ…
- ほんとに凄い。初めて聴いたとき「あ、これはデンジくんの曲だ」ってわかった。いつもと違うダミ声での歌い方、歌詞の組み立て方、最後のマキマさん、何もかもチェンソーマンの曲として100億点満点すぎる
- Can’t believe the chainsaw man anime is already one year old
- This communicates the tone of the manga so well, it's dark but comedic, sinister but tender, and chaotic but personal. MAPPA really pulled it off well
- もちろん作画も凄すぎるんだけどこんだけOPの再生数伸びてるってことは米津さんと常田さんの音楽の中毒性がめちゃめちゃ大きく関わってるんだなって思うわあ やっぱりあの人たちは天才すぎる 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!