配信者:ONE PIECE公式YouTubeチャンネル,チャンネル登録者数 244万人
累計再生数:2571万 ,一日あたりの再生数:70438
この動画の推定収益: 5142000円
補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。
Thank you, One Piece.
born too late to explore the world,
born too early to explore the galaxy,
born just in time to watch this masterpiece
Can't stop sobbing, this anime has been with me for almost two decades, I've learnt so much from this show... thank you Oda, for making my life so much better <3
The greatest anime. Goosebumps
事前情報なしでいつもようにテレビの前でONE PIECE始まるの待ってたら、まさかのウィーアー流れてきて、映像も現代仕様にリメイクされててほんっっっとに興奮した。痺れた。
this opening never gets old
No tengo palabras para expresar lo que siento por One piece, ver este opening de nuevo, con los nuevos personajes fue de los mejores regalos que pudimos recibir de Oda, fui un marrr de lágrimas️
if this isn't considered one of the most beautiful animated masterpieces humankind has ever produced then i will have lost faith in humanity. i've only recently rediscovered the show and started rewatching it, it brings me just this undefinable amount of joy and happiness. i literally don't want this to end. and if it does it won't in my soul.
cried at the last part. Never has there been an anime where millions come together to solve truely difficult mystries. The one piece fanbase is possibly the biggest, closest, and most welcoming anime fandom out there. There is so much to explore in this anime, and so many new and old people to enjoy it. Eiichiro Oda is truely the best mangaka ever.
Such a perfect pay of homage to the OG opening that we all know and love. Makes me tear up man
As someone who started watching one piece couple of months ago and finished it in one month i still can cry on this, one piece is a masterpiece
1000話記念として、皆んなが愛しててくれたONE PIECE、ウィーアーを流してくれてありがと尾田栄一郎先生
Es y será el mejor opening de la historia del anime!! ️
Emocionante, a definitivamente melhor abertura de ONE PIECE
Melhor coisa que aconteceu no mundo dos animes, foi eu ter começado a assistir essa obra prima lá em maio de 2021 🇧🇷 É a minha favorita do coração! Foi emocionante essa abertura do episódio 1000
I love the fact that almost nothing changes about shanks and his boys. From their shots in the video, to the fact that we still know so little about them after 1000 episodes
that moment when you started this anime over 20 years ago and listened to this opening for the first time and now in the present year 2023 you listen to it again with great nostalgia