「残酷な天使のテーゼ」MUSIC VIDEO(HDver.)/Zankoku na Tenshi no Te-ze“The Cruel Angel's Thesis” 2023年11月集計


  • 配信者:KING RECORDS,チャンネル登録者数 86.9万人
  • 累計再生数:6455万 ,一日あたりの再生数:35369
  • 累計コメント数:25,161,一日あたりのコメント数:13.79
  • 累計高評価数:643,669,一日あたりの高評価数:352.7
  • 総合バズリスコア:841
  • この動画の推定収益: 12910000円


補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • I like how even though this OP contains the ending of the show, you literally cannot even get spoiled since it’s all so incomprehensible that you need to understand wtf is happening beforehand
  • 永遠にアニソン界のトップであり続けてほしい
  • i love late 90s vibes. they are very deep and serious!!
  • I didn't even watched evangelion but still it's one of my favorite openings
  • 最近の曲は速くなりがちだしボカロとかだと300超えるのもあるくらいだけど、BPMはそこまでなのにここまで疾走感があるこの曲って凄いよね。 高速で映像が切り替わるのも一つの理由だろうし、うまく曲と映像が噛み合って神曲になってるんだろうね
  • I wish I could erase my memory and rewatch this masterpiece again
  • I just wanna say that literally the JAPANESE voted this as the GREATEST ANIME OPENING OF ALL TIME
  • Omfg its my first time hearing this song in full and the angelic choir is soooooo beautiful
  • I’ll never forget the first time I heard this, Evangelion and Cruel Angel’s Thesis will forever be dear and close to my heart, this song gives you a feeling which is indescribable, Yoko Takahashi’s vocals just speak to your soul, it’s so epic and angelic and that melody…. those instruments…. absolutely legendary. This is a song that cannot be replicated and I often wonder how they came up with it, it’s no doubt my favorite anime opening. This music video is so so incredible as well, HUGE respect to whoever edited this.
  • 「もしも2人会えたことに意味があるなら」でシンジとカヲル君を映す演出の天才っぷりに涙が止まらん
  • 今高校生だけど小学生の頃からこの曲を何度も聴いたり歌ったりしたけど未だに飽きることない神曲。 たとえこの先、世界中に人気になるアニメやアニソンが作られてもこの曲がトップに立つことは絶対に変わらないだろうね。
  • 何がヤバいってほぼ全国民がこの歌を知ってるのに、ほとんどの国民がエヴァをまともに観たことないってこと
  • This is honestly one of my favorite music videos on youtube
  • This music video actually helped me a lot in understanding the show. At first, I was confused and didn't know what was happening, but as I watched the show and paid attention to individual episodes of the series, I began to understand the meaning behind each clip. It was like a reverse tour guide of the show!
  • It's amazing, despite being an old song, this song hits hundreds of thousands of views every couple of weeks
  • 自分用 ー残酷な天使のテーゼー vocal・高橋洋子様
  • すごいなあ! 1曲分の時間内に『エヴァンゲリオン』のストーリーが無駄なく時系列的に並べられてる! 製作主の編集スキルに非凡さを感じる
  • i literally never see anyone say anything about the ANGELIC CHOIR THAT CARRIES THE BACKGROUD VOCALS OUT OF THE UNIVERSE
  • ずっとカラオケでランクインしてるの凄すぎる
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!