TVアニメ『ダンジョン飯』PV第1弾 2023年10月集計


  • 配信者:KADOKAWAanime,チャンネル登録者数 250万人
  • 累計再生数:67万 ,一日あたりの再生数:47857
  • 累計コメント数:1,098,一日あたりのコメント数:78.43
  • 累計高評価数:25,296,一日あたりの高評価数:1806.86
  • 総合バズリスコア:317
  • この動画の推定収益: 134000円


補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • This series is the most incredible D&D session ever played, which came to life on paper and now on the screen. The fact that Kui-sensei is an avid TRPG fan backs up this fact.
  • 大好きな漫画を、大好きなアニメ会社がアニメ化して、大好きなバンドがOPやるとか、最高すぎるな...
  • If anyone is looking for a genuine, feel-good fantasy with quirky worldbuilding and characters (and almost NONE of the tiresome tropes that are plaguing the fantasy/isekai genre right now), this is likely in your ballpark. The tone and setting is something I feel like similar to Ranking of Kings or Frieren, though not as tragic or sad as those two, this story is whimsical fun (for the most part). Just a top-tier adventure series with a story and characters that are shockingly well-crafted and deep. Never felt like dragged or stayed longer than it needed. The manga was easily one of my top of the past few years, I'd recommend that, too.
  • Nice to see these characters animated with so much personality. Marcille's one of my favorite characters in fiction.
  • >Studio Trigger doing the animation >Xenogears/Xenoblade composer Yasunori Mitsuda doing the OST >Bump of Chicken doing the main Opening theme ...Guys, this is just the SURFACE to what is a genuinely amazing and deep high fantasy story filled with colourful characters and one of the biggest emotions I've felt reading something in YEARS.
  • I never thought I’d see this manga get adapted, and by one of my favorite studios. Life is wild and also good sometimes
  • The manga finished one month ago... And I can say with certainty, it was amongst the BEST manga I've ever read in my 20 years of being an anime and manga fan. Pure joy distiled and drawn in paper. Gorgeous artwork, wholesome comedy, an enthralling lore, amazing characters, amazing monsters designs, amazing food. A series made with so much love you're left satisfied, totally fulfilled after you're done.
  • 年々どころか新曲が出る毎に新しいファン層を獲得するバンド
  • 1日3食しっかり食べて睡眠をとってガッチリ原作を読み込んだ俺はずっと本気で待っていた
  • 作画もいいし料理のシーンも拘りを感じるし、笑いあり感動ありのストーリーだとわかるPV… 期待しかない
  • This manga series is amazing, truly a masterpiece. In my opinion, Dungeon Meshi is one of the best of the last decade. Will most probably buy the whole animated series once it is on blu ray.
  • so hopeful for this. everyone please read the manga too! she combines fantasy and biology and humour so well! and it's relaxing as a female fan of anime because it's just wholesome with no creepy shit this isn't just another 'cooking' anime there's so much more! (and besides a lot of them were inspired by this anyway)
  • This looks so good! Dungeon Meshi was easily one of the greatest adventure fantasy manga that I've ever read and the anime already looks like an anime of the year contender for 2024, let's go!
  • standing ovation for this because i finished the entire series in less than a day if all the hours added up. that was how good it was. the animation and voice acting here is awesome yeah!!!
  • I'm so happy this manga is getting the adaptation that it deserves! As usual of Trigger, the animation is so lively and fluid! And the food also looks really good! I can't wait for the full release.
  • バンプは毎回タイアップ作品に対する読み込みとフィードバックの表現が素晴らしいので原作ファンとしてもバンドファンとしても大満足の作品が産まれる
  • Looks incredible, glad it's getting the adaptation it deserves. This series has such a range of atmosphere and emotion that it will most definitely be seen as one of the best ever made. The characters have a surprising amount of depth and everything just feels so grounded despite the fantasy setting that it's hard not to get pulled into the world.
  • Senshi's VA matches his character so well! This is like top 5 mangas of all time and they seem to be adapting it perfectly!
  • Oh this is going to be amazing. The animation is that perfect blend of wholsome camping fun, while still being able to delve into the despair that the manga tries to creep up on you with. And the soundscape is looking great so far. Glad so hear more Bump of Chicken in anime ops
  • I love the manga and I am excited to relive that experience again I love the voices, they fit perfectly. The animation style is beautiful, it's very soft, fluid and colorful. It captures the coziness and comedy of the manga.
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!