蜂蜜泥棒 |マインクラフトのアニメ 2023年10月集計


  • 配信者:실패자_silpaeja,チャンネル登録者数 183万人
  • 累計再生数:505万 ,一日あたりの再生数:240476
  • 累計コメント数:1,529,一日あたりのコメント数:72.81
  • 累計高評価数:90,445,一日あたりの高評価数:4306.9
  • 総合バズリスコア:1181
  • この動画の推定収益: 1010000円


補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • One of the best parts about this is how Steve and Alex follow the natural progression of players' encounters with bees. They start off clumsily attacking the hive and angering the bees, then they apply smoke, then they make a honey factory and reap the benefits. And it's hilarious and sad that the Queen, following her failed rebellion, becomes an overworked factory slave. Mostly funny.
  • The fact that how much effort this guy has put into these series is just magnificent.
  • considering how steve and alex go from encountering bees for the first time to understanding how to easily capture honey, and then turning them into a factory, without ever failing to get honey, is incredible. the queen bee's ever growing failiures from immidiate attack to get back the beehive, to being prepared to attack everyone once they start attacking, and then going on the offensive, and in the end she is an overworking slave is very funny. i also like alex's hesitation to taking honey until she gets forced a taste of it by steve and helps him. kinda wish there was a post credit scene where she was very bloated from drinking all of the honey.
  • Love how Alex and Steve are working together to get an endless supply of honey. Do feel bad for the queen bee though.
  • I love the accuracy with the bees being unable to swim. Reminds me of earlier versions where bees would all drown themselves so you had to keep them away from water all all costs.
  • I knew the moment Alex got a taste of the honey, she would be all in on the idea of getting more. Also I honestly now like for the queen bee to be a reoccurring character.
  • The acceptance on her face at the end with the little tear. Poor bee.
  • "Sweet little bumblebee" was finally cut short, experienced a routine dose of Minecraft shennanigans, and ended up being a "sweet little" domesticated bee. Silpaeja be gaming.
  • I just love how at the end Alex and Steve just casually ENSLAVE the bees to make more honey for them! Lmao
  • I desperately need a full version of the dance from the start. It's just so cute.
  • Even though it seems bad and cruel for bees, this is what we do to them in Minecraft actually. Also I love Steve's way to make Alex eat the honey.
  • Steve didn't disappoint us.He made a honey farm at the end. A true automator. The goat will be proud of him.
  • I like how sometimes Alex & Steve work together so well and in other videos they ruthlessly fight each other
  • Kinda want a full version of the dance for the bees
  • The Honey Queen is an instant waifu since that Korean dungeon crawler about a farmer.
  • 항상 잘보고 있습니다. 볼때마다 어찌 대사 하나 없이 이런 내용과 리액션 디테일까지 살린 애니메이션을 만드시는지 감탄할따름입니다.
  • We need Barry Bee Benson to sue Alex and Steve.
  • Wow, that was more brutal than I imagined. Poor Queen Bee, now stuck as an automatic honey maker.
  • The fact that Alex didnt wanted the honey means she just do it at first for the fun of punching things
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