Scott Pilgrim Takes Off | Official Trailer | Netflix 2023年10月集計


  • 配信者:Netflix,チャンネル登録者数 2720万人
  • 累計再生数:183万 ,一日あたりの再生数:457500
  • 累計コメント数:4,235,一日あたりのコメント数:1058.75
  • 累計高評価数:118,875,一日あたりの高評価数:29718.75
  • 総合バズリスコア:3789
  • この動画の推定収益: 366000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • The OG movie cast, the OG movie director, comic accurate art style by an incredible animation studio, & an original score by Anamanaguchi?! The people who did music for the game?! This is the ULTIMATE love letter to Scott Pilgrim as a franchise
  • as someone who grew up with the books and the movie words cannot describe how incredibly accurate and amazing this looks
  • This is the love treatment that fans of every franchise crave and deserve. I've honestly never seen anything like it, and I have a ton of respect for everyone involved.
  • It's great to see animated shows being given this much focused attention by both the audience and everyone behind the show. This trailer is uplifting and I will be hoping for more to come.
  • There are limits to what live action can do. I'm glad Scott Pilgrim is being presented the way it's meant to be.
  • The fact that they got the entire cast back is freaking amazing.
  • I am shocked they got the entire cast back, I have such high hopes for this now
  • as someone who has never heard of anything else related to this series, "Ramona Flowers has 7 evil exes all of whom you must defeat in order do date her" made me want to watch this so bad
  • Love the original cast coming back for this and I love that a remix of the Mortal Kombat theme was used for this trailer because it’s crazy how well it fits with Scott Pilgrim
  • It's like mixing the best aspects from the comic, the movie and the game, the passion can be felt from light years away
  • I remember on an interview Chris Evans said Scott Pilgrim was some of the most fun he'd had on set. No surprise to see basically everyone coming back to reprise their roles.
  • I never saw the original Scott Pilgrim. But from what I've heard about both it and the books, it more than earned its reputation. I just have one question; WHY THE HECK AREN'T MORE PEOPLE DOING CLASSIC ANIMATION ANYMORE?!! I mean, this looks amazing. Why are all the studios only making CGI and live action? Lets bring back traditional animation!
  • Im always, and forever, going to be a Scott Pilgrim stan and I will never be ashamed. I love the art, i love the movie, the books and the humor is just the greatest. I love LOVE the energy and vibe this story gives off and I'll always be here for it <3
  • This looks absolutely bloody epic, I love the massive attention to details and the fact the cast is returning, also the techno syndrome in the background made this trailer even more awesome, I'm so looking forward to this!
  • With the voice actors from the movie and Anamanaguchi from the video game producing music.... This really feel like the true, final, version of Scott Pilgrim.
  • I have to give Netflix credit, they are giving us some serious fan service. Love it!!
  • I cannot wait! I love the comics and the movie. This is looking like a true animated version that fans are going to love!
  • It’s a miracle they got the original cast back
  • This trailer looks really promising. I can already recognize some scenes from the comics, but it seems like they also added some original content so I'm really curious to see how the story goes. The action scenes look top notch so I hope they put the same care in the story. If there's one thing I loved about the comics is seeing how Scott and Ramona develop their relationship while also learning to grow after their past mistakes (something that was really missing in the movie). Can't wait to see this!
  • O quanto esse trailer ficou perfeitoooo! Ansiosa demaais pra ver. Esperei tanto por isso
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!