- 配信者:KADOKAWAanime,チャンネル登録者数 251万人
- 累計再生数:58万 ,一日あたりの再生数:96666
- 累計コメント数:733,一日あたりのコメント数:122.17
- 累計高評価数:17,317,一日あたりの高評価数:2886.17
- 総合バズリスコア:586
- この動画の推定収益: 116000円
補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。
- TVアニメ「陰の実力者になりたくて! 2nd season」 10月4日(水)よりAT-X、TOKYO MX、BS日テレにて好評放送中! ABEMA、dアニメストアにて地上波先行・最速配信!
- It’s adorable how cute and merciless she can be.
- 本編にも書いて無いことをかげじつでやってくれるのはまじでファンサービスが良すぎるありがとう!
- こんなコミカルに黒いジャガさん逝ってて草 原作の補填本当に有難い
- It's so obvious now Shadow has of course figured out Po Tato is the dangerous outlaw Jaga and 'befriended' him to keep a close eye on Jaga Truly brilliant
- ここ原作でも明らかになってないシーン だったから凄く有難いな。 まさかこんな雑にお亡くなりになって いたなんて、、、さすがデルタ。笑
- This is even better than how I imagined the hunt for jaga went on LMAO
- すぐ忘れちゃうデルタ可愛いw
- ウキウキなデルタ可愛いw そしていとも容易くジャガノがやられるとは気の毒に
- Delta is absolutely adorable and this mini-episode was perfect for her! I love she asserts dominance over Gamma by pinning her down and how she mercilessly killed a guy over annoying her. It turned out to be her target, so can’t complain about the results!
- ここで黒いジャガことジャガノートを狩ることも結果的に全てプラスに働くのも面白い
- I can totally see Delta making this kind of mistake. Getting to the lawless city and hunting a certain person is too complex of a mission for Delta.
- I hope the author and producers of this anime is reading this comment. WE NEED A DELTA SPIN-OFF SERIES.
- I swear! Delta's VA is the one who is having the most fun in this show
- The fact she murdered him just because he annoyed her is scary and hilarious.
- Detla is such a bundle of joy! Well at least she got the job done.
- I could watch an entire show featuring Delta, she is so cute
- LOL this was perfect.. I imagined an intense fight between the two but then I realized that Shadow never told her how Jaga looked like. So I was wondering how she will find him herself, being the cute dumb character she is. This is perfect! Far better than how I imagined it
- Amazing! I really love Delta's character and her voice actress has a wonderful voice!!
- 第6話はキャラの苦悩、シリアス、ギャグの緩急、可愛さ、そして何よりバトルが素晴らしい神回でした。スタッフ様ありがとう 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!