- 配信者:Warner Bros. Japan Anime,チャンネル登録者数 38.7万人
- 累計再生数:92万 ,一日あたりの再生数:184000
- 累計コメント数:2,337,一日あたりのコメント数:467.4
- 総合バズリスコア:527
- この動画の推定収益: 184000円
補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。
- 普通にサブスクの独占放送とかじゃないだけで歓喜。
- Dad is confirmed canon on DC universe let's go!
- どうせ最初にバットマンがチラリと出てくるだろうと期待してる ていうかハーレイ可愛すぎ
- If I had a nickel for every time there was a charming girl as Death in DC, I would have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's rad it happened twice. Good work, father! Going to school for comics and your dream of making a song for an anime paid off.
- Dead Beats ASSEMBLE !
- 梅原裕一郎がこういう狂ったキャラ演じるの珍しいよね
- Best American anime collaboration since "The Reflection"
- The concept was already interesting enough, but Mori Calliope singing such a banger for its ending is just a must watch, so much hype now
- Mori Calliope bring me here LETSS GOOOO !!
- I loved that everyone looked like an anime character except Peacemaker he still looked like in western style.
- this looks so promising, coming from non-superhero comic fans and non-anime watcher. don't even know why YouTube recommended me this but I'm glad. soundtrack sounds bomb af!
- King shark already looks like its gonna be the best character
- 声優さんも皆合ってそうなのはもちろん、スタッフも豪華だな。長月先生が脚本に携わってくれてるの嬉しい。
- This looks INSANELY fun, actually.
- This is the Best Crossover concept Ever!
- Calliの曲カッコ良すぎるし、これは観るわ
- WIT制作アツすぎるだろ!
- もうハーレイと曲が良すぎて期待しかない
- I don't know if this is by far the wildest idea Warner Bros has ever come up with but I dig it.
- GigaとTeddyloid+カリオペはマジやばい 音楽も末廣さんなのもう最高
- 何もかも好きな要素しかねえ。ここに来てEDテーマカリオペは神
- アニメにおいて、信頼と実績のTOKYO MXで放送の時点で、安心出来る。
- 天野明先生のDCキャラクターデザイン素晴らしいです
- The "Yeahhhhhhhh" combined with the guns firing is just *Chefs Kiss*
- i love how hard the trailer promotes that they got Cali for the theme, Dad is winning!
- The most unlikely of collaborations. Suicide Squad, Anime Isekai, Wit Studio, and Mori Calliope. What a time to be Alive
- Deadshot, Peacemaker and now Mori Calliope let's gooooo
- EDの曲最高すぎて早くfullで聞きたい!
- They're really pushing alot of Suicide squad material lately. I was wondering what their next idea was going to be. Never thought that they'd go Isekai tho. I wonder how popular suicide squad would be without Harley Quin in it. 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!