遊戯王カードゲーム25周年特別映像「Yu-Gi-Oh! CARD GAME THE CHRONICLES」 2024年02月集計


  • 配信者:遊戯王OCGチャンネル,チャンネル登録者数 25.5万人
  • 累計再生数:177万 ,一日あたりの再生数:126428
  • 累計コメント数:5,982,一日あたりのコメント数:427.29
  • 総合バズリスコア:617
  • この動画の推定収益: 354000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • I don't think Konami realizes just how much of an absolute goldmine of content they are sitting on with this franchise. An animated adaptation of OCG Stories is just the tip of the iceberg. The World Legacy, Abyss, and Visas Starfrost lores could easily be the basis of an entire 12-episode anime each, and Duel Terminal could probably carry 2 to 3 seasons by itself even without whatever they're currently building to with the new support cards. And even beyond the major storylines, you have so much you could do with smaller archetypes! You could have a heist story with the Evil Twins, or a slice of life comedy series about the Ghostricks trying to run a haunted house, or a spy thriller with SPYRAL, or a superhero action series with the various HERO archetypes! There are so, so many incredible stories to be told in this game, and I would welcome any chance to see them given the justice they deserve!
  • I wish this wasn't just an ad. an anthology anime series showcasing the archetypes of yugioh would be phenomenal. I would binge watch it and re watch it over and over again. it would be amazing to see the monsters of yu gi oh allowed to shine unshackled by the card game.
  • Thank you Mr. Kazuki Takahashi, you made my child hood memorable with this card game you made. I made many friends playing your game. May you rest in peace and know that you made many kids' child hoods memorable.
  • Watching this, I never realized how much potential there was for a Yu-gi-oh! anthology anime based off the lore, but that would be a pretty cool concept.
  • 現地で観たけどマジで鳥肌ものでした 一生忘れない 長期アニメ化本当に待ってます
  • Konami could spend 10 years making anime based on card lores and they'd still have a million stories to tell.
  • これは各テーマデッキ網羅したくなりますね…ペガサス、海馬、そして、いつの時代でもこんなにも心が動く作品を生み出してくれた高橋先生に感謝。これからも世代・国を問わずカードゲームの頂点に立つ作品として永く愛されることでしょう。
  • 現地で大画面、大音響でみられて本当に良かった… 会場ではわくわく→アーゼウスの流れが一番盛り上がってましたww
  • リアルタイムでこれ見た時だいぶ鳥肌立って、見終わった後の風間俊介さんのコメントで泣きそうになりました。
  • モンスター達にもそれぞれの物語が有る所が良いですね。
  • konami for the love of god make a yugioh anime based around one of the story lines of the lore of the cards. It would give so much fresh air to the game and franchise as a whole
  • わくわくアーゼウスの流れ、それぞれの世界観を壊さずカード同士のシナジーを表現してるのめちゃくちゃ良い
  • This reminds how different original yugioh cards look compared to most modern yugioh cards.
  • エクレシア映った瞬間うおって感動の声上がったし、ドレミコードにこんなに尺くると思わなかったので感無量です ありがとう…ありがとう…!
  • Seriously, we NEED a Yu-Gi-Oh anime that is just self-contained episodes involving the cards themselves. They've spent years building up such amazing tales in the cards that everyone wants to see played out! The also jave practically every single genre on lockdown.
  • This is the most respect Konami has ever given Yugioh fans
  • animations like these bring life to the cardboard we play, keep making animations, and most importantly, MAKE AN ANIME BASED ON ARCHETYPES, PLEASE
  • シエンのカードイラストのシーンになるやつクソカッコ良い 感動した
  • 2/3に参加しました ドレミコードの手拍子に合わせて、会場から自然と手拍子が上がったのは本当に感涙でした… 東京ドームのあの音響、あの大スクリーンでの感動は、生涯忘れません
  • Absolutely phenomenal. The animation is some if the best I've seen in the last few years. The way they carry a story without words for each card archetype in the showcase goes to show how powerful animation can be. Especially, when considering the changes in art style between archetypes too.
  • やばい…やばいって…てか遊戯王の世界観好きすぎ…オープンワールドでゲーム化してくれまじで
  • that was probably the sickest anime-related thing i've seen in a long time
  • 映像綺麗すぎる このぐらいの短編でいいから他のテーマももっと見たい
  • The transition from Melffy to Zeus is as accurate as it gets
  • There is so much I want to say about this new animation. I just can't stop watching it over and over again. Thank you for everyone who make this dream come true. And thank everyone who for playing Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game for 25 Years.
  • Been playing Yu-Gi-Oh for over 22 years can't tell how happy this makes me..
  • In memory of Kazuki Takahashi. May his soul rest in peace.
  • 遊戯王外伝みたいで素晴らしい。 ずっとずっと遊戯王の物語続いて欲しいな。
  • Awesome animation by Konami, I hope they do release some anime in the future in the older style. Also, Despite not being an active player anymore, I still collect some cards for pure nostalgia. Yu-Gi-Oh! Is a cult series and card game that is a beautiful memory for many people around the world. RIP Kazuki Takahashi and thanks for creating it.
  • The mood whiplash between the Melfys and AA-Zeus metaphorically snapped my neck lol
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!