遊戯王カードゲーム25周年特別映像「Yu-Gi-Oh! CARD GAME THE CHRONICLES」 2024年02月集計


  • 配信者:KONAMI公式,チャンネル登録者数 42.4万人
  • 累計再生数:55万 ,一日あたりの再生数:39285
  • 累計コメント数:2,349,一日あたりのコメント数:167.79
  • 総合バズリスコア:211
  • この動画の推定収益: 110000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • We're going to need Konami to step up and put an anthology series into motion. It's a crime to have shown all this animation without giving us a new show
  • One thing I really like about this animation is that it really brings the cards to life and makes them feel a lot like actual characters. Seeing Zeus and Ty-Phon clash in that gundam-esque fight was amazing, the live twins going gremlins to full on anime characters is basically right out of panty and stocking, and trishula’s awakening is awesome. It’s great to see the lore from these cards be brought to life via such amazing animation that it somewhat makes you forget that they’re trading cards, and makes them feel like actual characters from a show.
  • A Yugioh anime has so much potential. Might even make the game itself even more popular. That Six Samurai fight scene was awesome.
  • 小学生の頃、遊戯王とポケモンと共に生きてきて当時からそのうち終わっちゃうんだろうなぁって気持ちがあったけど…これ多分死ぬまで終わらねえわ
  • 美少女アニメからシリアスになってゆるふわほのぼのしたと思ったらロボアニメが始まるの 25年積み上げてきたハチャメチャが押し寄せてきてる感じでたまらない
  • To be honest, at this point I could really see Konami going for a full on anime adaptation of like the Duel-Termina-Lore or Albaz-Lore
  • OMG!!! This looks incredible!!! Please, PLEASE, make the Yu-Gi-Oh! lore into an animated series like this! Please!!!
  • This will 1000% bring in new players and make existing players so happy if they went all out on an animation series. It would be nice to relate to the cards we play
  • Konami isn’t always good or even consistent, but every now and then they do deliver bangers. This is one of those times
  • Congrats! After 25 years long you just realized that you can make a ton of money doing animations for yugioh.
  • I shed a tear. Thank you Mr.Takahashi for this little part of my childhood that continues to grow even after your tragic passing. There may be ups and downs, especially in this economy but YGO will always be a cornerstone of my life
  • 高橋和希先生の意志が…想いが… いろんな形になって受け継がれていく。 そう考えると思わず目頭が熱くなる!
  • Considering how wildly Yu-Gi-Oh cards vary in tone, konami could basically make an anime of every genre. Albaz is your standard shounen, six samurai as historical fiction, vendread as dark fantasy, I could go on.
  • 公式でわくわくアーゼウスしてるのほんとすき
  • 原作者のデザインがスゴいなって改めて思う。ありきたりの素材なのにデザインは今でも何か見た事有るなって思わないオリジナリティの高さには驚く
  • Kazuki Takahashi's little card game is all grown up now.
  • アーゼウス出てきた時の会場の盛り上がりは本当にすごかった 疲れたし辛かったけど最高のイベントだった
  • Albaz lore anime would be so awesome, hopefully this goes somewhere. Every duelist would watch these anime, and could even be a good thing for getting new players into the game. Konami should look into a slew of anime, maybe release a short series or an ova before the cards are released to bring hype to new sets.
  • この映像に留めておくには勿体無い最高の映像だ...絶対にシリーズ化して欲しい...
  • この動画だけでもそれぞれのモンスターのアニメ作品ができそうなのに、遊戯王全体からすればこれらのアニメを仮にすべて作ったとしてもこの倍以上の数のストーリーがあるんだから凄すぎる
  • I don't know why this brought me to tears thanks Konami for 25 years
  • I really love the fact that they turn the scene from Melffy to Zeus because pure Melffys usually run Zeus as win con
  • 閃刀姫の部分、戦闘シーンが他のよりも圧倒的さはないけど、なんか凄い好み!両者で無言の剣技と細かな動きや音が良い︎ KONAMIの拘りが感じられます
  • I always had fascination for the D.D (Different Dimension) cards. How they got sent to the different dimension, the mysteries there, the dangerous unknown treats, how they got out. Also the beautiful design of the cards. Hope they animate them as well.
  • I would LOVE to see an animated series about Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes! Maybe even throw in Buster Blader as the setup to his story with Buster Whelp.
  • That was lovely especially the Albaz part. I wish Konami would make an anime out of this.
  • Konami! This is what we would like to see in series. Where it's about different topics. As individual stories or overarching. Maybe different worlds. That's what I would like to see as a series, it would make you want to play the card game that we all love so much.
  • 高橋和希先生…あなたが生み出した「遊戯王」はこんなにもたくさんの人達に愛される作品になりましたよ…
  • The Six Samurai got their own segment, I'm satisfied.
  • 言葉を交わさずとも良い。我々はカードを交えれば分かり 合えるのだからな!25周年おめでとう!
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!