かつてないほどの猛アタックを受けるカワウソがまさかの行動 Male Otter Confused by Female in Heat 2023年10月集計


  • 配信者:KOTSUMET,チャンネル登録者数 177万人
  • 累計再生数:998万 ,一日あたりの再生数:27342
  • 累計コメント数:6,749,一日あたりのコメント数:18.49
  • 累計高評価数:152,479,一日あたりの高評価数:417.75
  • 総合バズリスコア:139
  • この動画の推定収益: 1996000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • I love how Kotaro just was constantly giving off "Mom, come pick me up" energy
  • Kotaro isn’t a victim he’s a survivor
  • I never thought I could see an animal look uncomfortable until Kotaro
  • Kotaro can smell the child support from a mile away
  • The two otters are adorable. The female otter was very persistent, and the male otter was equally resistant. Lol
  • i always thought kotaro and hana were siblings....but this.....changes everything
  • I never would’ve thought I’d feel single because of otters
  • My aunt has a really large border collie named Rocky, and he's an absolute sweetheart. She had a female named Maggy which she wanted to breed with him but Rocky turned out to be too soft and not aggressive enough (In fact she's the one that mounts for some reason) either way she ended up getting another female named Bab's who was also too aggressive for poor Rocky to mate with, some animals are just too wholesome.
  • 14 years from now Kotaro is going to wake up at 3 in the morning and say to himself "Wait a second, I think she was flirting with me..."
  • OK the way she hugged him from behind was too adorable ️
  • The thumbnail perfectly captures the essence of this video. Kotaro extremely done with it and Hana being persistent
  • You just know theyre gonna be such a perfect couple once they both mature at the right time, that recent insta video of Kotaro grooming Hana under a blanket while she goes all - w - is just so precious...
  • Love the side eye Kotaro gave her, and his wet-and-dry pellet turns
  • My absolute favorite is when Kotaro stops whatever he's doing and gives that side eye look like "Uh.. what are you doing?"
  • I love how Kotaro just grabs the food, puts it in the water bowl and eats it from the water bowl, It was so freaking cute
  • Kotaro = Humans Hana = Life Problems Hana's long lost friend = Child support Kotaro's friend = Running
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!