配信者:KOTSUMET,チャンネル登録者数 177万人
累計再生数:1089万 ,一日あたりの再生数:9945
この動画の推定収益: 2178000円
補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。
Never have I thought in my life that I'll be watching an otter's birthday party.
Kotaro has the best table manner. He eats the salmon one letter at a time from beginning to end. Hana, on the other hand, just grabs and eat whatever her majesty fancies.
This otter is having a better birthday than I ever have, and he deserves it
I love how Kotaro eats like a gentleman and then here comes Hana-zilla gobbling w everything in sight
I thought Kotaro was blind the way he was eating, but he ate his name well, and then Hana came over and ate the majority of the party food. The yawn at the end from the birthday boy was cute!
It’s like Kotaro enjoys his meal with relaxation while Hana just vacuums the whole plate.
Que fofo ele levanta o pescoço de boa vontade pra vestir a roupinha️
Como ele come organizado e bonito parece um ser humano na mesa
kotaro's face in the thumbnail is priceless
Some of the best times are spent with you, Kotaro. It's so cute he sits properly with his feet behind him.
Pai do Kotaro, fiquei impressionada com sua habilidade para fazer e reproduzir o bolo com o rosto do dele, assim como o arranjo da mesa; será que vc é confeiteiro? Se o Kotaro bobear a Hana come tudo sozinha! Os dois são muito especiais e lindos, mesmo!
I love how they grab at the food without actually looking at it sometimes like their sneak eating
Happy 3rd Birthday Kotaro️You are such a special otter and you shared your birthday feast so nicely with Hana!
Happy birthday Kotaro!!!
Kotaro and Hana are simply adorable. I love watching these cute little creatures. The cutest thing I've ever seen. ️️️
I have no idea how I found myself here but...he’s got better table manners, than many humans.