ニャムニャム言いながらガッチリ腕をホールドしてくるカワウソがたまらない Otter Makes Cute Sounds While Holding My Arm 2023年11月集計


  • 配信者:KOTSUMET,チャンネル登録者数 177万人
  • 累計再生数:9.5万 ,一日あたりの再生数:6785
  • 累計コメント数:326,一日あたりのコメント数:23.29
  • 累計高評価数:5,678,一日あたりの高評価数:405.57
  • 総合バズリスコア:59
  • この動画の推定収益: 19000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • Princess Hana doesn't just squeak like the professor or Aty or even Ui, she honks like a goose when she wants something
  • Princess Hana Always a daddy's-girl, always a mood, always VERY vocal about what she wants Otters, especially THIS species, are the most dexterous non-primates. It shows when Hana grabs Kotsumet's arm
  • 世界一甘え上手なハナちゃん
  • 今回のハナちゃん鬼可愛いわー
  • The two are like little human babies You immediately know what's wrong with them when they makes noises or when Hana sulks
  • This was beyond hilarious! WIPE MY SMOOCHER! Had us laughing till we cried. You are such a good dialog writer. The voices you give to these two lovable creatures is without compare. I cannot get enough. You make Hana so cute yet authoritarian and Kotaro so clever and funny. Just the best animal channel out there. Thank you.
  • Hana is such a spoiled daddy's girl.
  • Hana is such a Daddy's girl.
  • Hana querendo privacidade se camuflando nos bichinhos de pelúcia e as mãozinhas pedindo mais massagem? Não aguento de tanta fofura!
  • I love you for giving them such a good life and for proving that direct focus and communication with animals shows us how smart they really are.
  • Хана такая милая, такая интересная выпрашивая внимание от папы. Смешно было видеть ее в игрушках. И да ее родинка бесподобна Приятно видеть животных с которыми так хорошо обращаются и любят их.
  • Hehe. Hana is secretly watching a recording of Kotaro's pole dance. She is pretending to inspect her hooman dad's editing skill. But in truth she is actually enjoying Kotaro's pole dance.
  • She's definitely daddy's girl always wanting cuddles and massages. Never enough. How can you resist?
  • Irrésistiblement mignonne avec ses petits cris et demande de câlins, c'est la petite gâtée de son papa . Hana et Kotaro, sont les loutres les plus mignonnes.
  • We love these cute sounds yes, thanks. Hanna appreciates your attentions. We praise you in keeping the best set-up for the food bowls with a water bowl next to the food. We have never seen a better consistent set-up in any channel with otters. THANKS for caring for them so well. はい、私たちはこれらのかわいい音が大好きです。 ありがとう。 ハンナはあなたの関心に感謝しています。 餌入れと水入れを餌の隣に置いているKOTSUMEさんを褒めます。 カワウソのどのチャンネルでも、これほど一貫したセットアップを見たことがありません。 彼らをとてもよく世話してくれてありがとう。
  • The way Kotaro scratches himself is adorable️
  • Hana, oltre che ad essere una lontra stupenda, è anche una super coccolona. E vederla coccolata, e abbracciata al suo papà, è sempre un piacere.
  • Such cute soundsHana and Kotaro are cute not ugli
  • The princess of cuddles ️️.
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!