カワウソたちにある物をプレゼントしたらほっこりされた Otters Get the Perfect Winter Present 2024年02月集計


  • 配信者:KOTSUMET,チャンネル登録者数 181万人
  • 累計再生数:11万 ,一日あたりの再生数:5238
  • 累計コメント数:246,一日あたりのコメント数:11.71
  • 総合バズリスコア:23
  • この動画の推定収益: 22000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • Hana’s inspection of the sleeping Kotaro was pretty funny. H & K are so entertaining to watch, no matter what they are doing!! Thanks Kotsumet family!
  • 彼らはとても可愛いです️
  • The opening scene is the be-all and end-all of a good video, everything is decided at the beginning. I am never disappointed by the Kotsumet videos, I always have to laugh from the very first second Thank you Kotsumet family! I love Kotaro and Hana
  • コタローちゃん、ハナちゃん木桶のお風呂、気持ちよさそうですね。 コタハナちゃんの仕草が、愛らしくて可愛いですね。
  • 桶のいい香り!なんて素敵なの! はなちゃん毎回うなる
  • Hana certainly took liberties with Kotaro while he was oblivious. Otherwise when she does something he doesn't like, he stops cold & the whites of his eyes show. These two really give me a big laugh .! They are sooo cute & innocent. Hana is shameless
  • お家で温泉気分を味わえるなんてオツだね〜 私もコタローちゃんをクンカクンカしてみたいわぁ
  • 침대위에서 코타로의 냄새를 꼼꼼히 맡는 하나짱 넘 웃겨요 나무통 두개에 각자 들어가 있는 코타 하나 넘 귀여워요️ 낡은 나무통이 어떻게 변신할지 기대되네요^^
  • コタロー師匠&ハナちゃん今晩は 新しいお風呂でカワウソ温泉 アコヤ貝も食べれて最高ですね。
  • 新しい木桶 これからこの桶で温泉入れるの楽しみだね二人の幸せそうな姿みてると嬉しくなります
  • 父ちゃんの両サイドで食事するコタハナちゃんがいつも可愛すぎます 新しい桶で気持ちよさそうですね
  • プチ温泉️気持ち良さそうですまだまだ寒いからベッドで寝そべってるふたりを見てるとあったか-い
  • 青空の下で新しい木の香りがするお風呂に浸かりながら大好物のアコヤ貝を頂く最高だね!昔、近所に桶やさんがあったのを懐かしく思い出しました。ハナちゃん ホース使わないと桶にお湯はれないよ
  • I am happy to see that Hana's diet and workout are working well. She is a beautiful curvy lady keep up the hard work we would like to see Kotaro and Hana playing together for many many years
  • 無防備なコタちゃんの寝方可愛すぎ ハナちゃんホースにキレてても可愛い サワラ桶はスシ桶と同じ素材みたいですね いい香りの温泉いいね
  • 無防備な姿で寝てるコタローが小さなおじさんに見えてしょうがないし、そのおじさんの体臭を物凄い勢いでチェックしてるハナちゃん面白すぎる 新しい風呂桶で食べるアコヤ貝美味しそうだった
  • Thank you for sharing. My heart is hurting again literally because of a heart attack I suffered and emergency open heart surgery, don't think it helped. I wanted to thank you for giving me a moment of happiness. Much love to you and your family.
  • Hana grooming mom's sweater is too lovely and cute!
  • Kotaro and Hana standing in their hot tubs is the cutest scene ever! That’s one I will cherish and remember on any sad day that tries to find me. Ok, no that’s not right. That scene will live on repeat in my heart on all days
  • My dog has never paid attention to anything on YouTube before. Last week he heard the otters and became glued to the screen. I’ve never seen my dog so razor focused. He would tilt his head back-and-forth and really get into watching the otters. It was so cute and then a week goes by and I forgot about it until just now. As I was watching this, my dog came by me and once again, he was glued to the screen the entire time. I guess otter sounds are music to Gizmo’s ears. Katuro and Hana have a new super fanboy.
  • ハナちゃんの嗅ぎっぷりコタちゃんがいつも足の臭い嗅ぐから、ここぞとばかりに嗅ぎまくり新しいお風呂は気持ち良かったでしょ
  • Good Morning Kotaro Hana..hana your so darn cute making those noises love it kotaro well he sleeping like a baby your video are truly amazing right from the get go..love the new tub very pretty..thanks Kotaro Hana Thanks KOTSUMET...
  • Hana is already eating her mother's sweater, she is so hungry . Kotaro directly checks the new bucket for weak points
  • The two of them standing on their back hinds in the basins are adorable. I love their morning routine.
  • I swear there’s nothing better than waking up on a Monday morning to a new Kotsumet video!
  • 遊んでなくてもハナちゃん切れるのね
  • i love them so much they make me so happy
  • I think it would make a good planter for flowers or vegetables. Or maybe you could use it for storage, either in the house or on your patio.
  • 姫!何をなされておられる! チキン(貝?)もらうために画面横からす~っと入ってくるハナ姫にw 教授は脚フェチ、姫は匂いフェチ??
  • Extra present...new water basin...lovely smell of trees yet...but Hana is so angry for...hose, as always... they now each have their own ...version garden basin...they look very sweet when they eat beetween Dad...and in basin...
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!