【Otomachi Una】Nyeh, it's Magic! (Himiko Yumeno fan song) 【Vocaloid Original】 2023年10月集計


  • 配信者:Mcki Robyns-P,チャンネル登録者数 6.51万人
  • 累計再生数:10万 ,一日あたりの再生数:20000
  • 累計コメント数:727,一日あたりのコメント数:145.4
  • 累計高評価数:5,237,一日あたりの高評価数:1047.4
  • 総合バズリスコア:233
  • この動画の推定収益: 20000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • I'm honestly so happy she's getting a song!!! While i'm pretty neutral when it comes to liking her or not, I do love her character growth after Tenko and Angie died! 100% an overhated character.
  • Finally. I believe Himiko is one of the most underappreciated and overhated characters in DR. And hopefully, if Miu knows where her place is for once, the little mage will get some of the respect she deserves.
  • I can't comprehend how you managed to blend satire, with Himiko's own deep feelings and thoughts when she lost Angie and Tenko.. seriously, Mcki. UGH! NYEH! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MCKI
  • I love how this song is not only playful like Himiko but also shows how she’s kinda been depressed for quite a bit. It also shows her growth until the end of the game. It’s great
  • I love Himiko! Over the years, my opinion of V3 hasn't stayed great, but it has its shining moments and I feel like you put a lot of love into showcasing one of them. The chorus is catchy and the story this song tells is really touching. Thank you for giving Himiko the love she deserves, and for making the iconic choice to use Una for her song!
  • I like how straight forward the lyrics are compared to songs like Kokichis, Shuichis, and Nagitos. Kinda great representation in its lyrics cause instead of mainly focusing on them (himiko) as a person, it mainly focused on her world view changing to something wider. I also like how it explained how she was annoyed with Tenko until she died and realized how special she was and the fact she just died to help Himiko talk to Angie. Also the melody changing was kinda cool to me cause it represents the emotional Rollercoaster that Himiko went on during the whole game (minus chap 4-5 since it didn't really focus on it.) Something they kinda didn't add that I wished they did was himikos reaction to her only friend left as the mastermind, though I understand that'd be difficult to add since the song mainly focused on Himikos importance during chapter 3 and since that was a LOT, it would make the song needlessly long. Anyway my personal thoughts about the song itself, I like the melody and it's matches Himiko's childish-yet-lazy personality turning into a more confident one. To me personally, it's not their best, but DEFINITELY not their worst, since it perfectly shows Himikos personality. If you don't like it, that's okay too! It doesn't use the melody like Maki but I kinda think that on purpose to show how Maki had a very slow growth only to the person who helped her to be ripped from her suddenly. Himiko didn't care too much until the people that cared about her died and she realized the severity of the situation and realized the only people that cared about her are now dead because they wanted to help her.
  • Himiko's song was more emotionally impactful than I was expecting! I knew all these parts about her character, but this song framed it in a way that actually made her resonate with me for the first time. Amazing job!
  • I really feel like Himiko deserved so much more from the plot, but from what was GIVEN to her, this is perfect. Himiko always gets so overlooked, but there's such a rich aspect to her character. Her attachments to Angie and her panic at losing not only Angie but TENKO is palpable, and one of my favourite uses of a double murder! As for the song itself, Mcki you totally outdid yourself. The chord progressions in the chorus were totally designed to make me want to cry; there's ALWAYS something about that small adjustment to minor that really gets me in the feels. The lyrics and monotoneness of the tuning is so perfect for Himiko. But what REALLY blew me away was how you incorporated the summoning song into the music! I was shocked at how well it transitioned into Himiko's panic from thereon out. And on a less depressing note - the song sounds MAGICAL!!!! IT SOUNDS LIKE A SPELL! I love it. Insane work as always!
  • Ima be that person, here are the lyrics! Nyeh, how annoying... The sky is going gray
  • I love how this entire song feels like a Manic breakdown, it really fit Himiko and her arc well.
  • Otomachi Una was genuinely the perfect pick for this song. Even disregarding the fact that they both share Japanese voice actors, even in the tuning department, she sounds EXACTLY like Himiko. Amazing work!!
  • HOLY SHIT THIS WAS CRAZY?!?!?,!,!! the emphasis of himiko’s view on the world vs her reaction to tenko and angie SHOCKED ME legit,,,this was crazy mcki omg THE INSTRUMENTAL TOO LIKE WOAHHHH THIS WAS INCREDIBLE
  • How Exciting! Himiko finally got her song without any interruptions from Miu!...I hope..
  • ОЧЕНЬ СИЛЬНАЯ ПЕСНЯ!!!! безумно рада что такое душевное состояние показали у Химико! спасибо за песню!!!!! она потрясающая
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!