Comparing old Vocaloid songs with their remakes part 3 2023年12月集計


  • 配信者:Blue Star,チャンネル登録者数 9480人
  • 累計再生数:3.3万 ,一日あたりの再生数:1571
  • 累計コメント数:65,一日あたりのコメント数:3.1
  • 総合バズリスコア:7
  • この動画の推定収益: 6600円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • For the vocals, when I didn't mention a software version that's because those are human singers, not vocal synths like Vocaloid or CeVIO. I considered not putting the piano versions of Amatsu Kitsune since those count as covers but they were also remade multiple times so I ended up including every version. In case anyone wonders what the BPM is, it basically measures how fast a song is. I decided to show it because sometimes the remakes are played at a different tempo than the original. Why didn't I put it on every versions of Amatsu Kitsune ? Because marasy didn't play to a metronome, he just speeds up and slows down so I can't count a BPM. But he played at a specific tempo when Rin was singing because Vocaloids need a BPM.
  • Tengaku slays so hard in every version <33
  • I miss DECO's old way of tuning so much
  • man...the original two breaths walking is still the best one...
  • i love the ones that like, add on to the original, like the newest tengaku version. its so damn good and len being there with rin adds a really cool new layer to the song Also i dont really think my roar counts? it wasnt really utsuP's song in the first place, its towa's song he made for her
  • Nashimoto Ui has released a new album, it's got a couple remakes. thought it would be cool if you included one of his songs sometime in one of these videos! Props for also including the Zsasz version of Striped melody btw!! Since you're including the human vocal versions, Nashimoto Ui also has a band called Araiyakashiko where he covers his songs with him on vocals, and Mononokenonomo which is a collab band with him and YM, they have a cover version of Nashimoto Ui's song "罵詈騒音" with YM on vocals.
  • The new version of tengaku is everything I loved about the original but better somehow
  • itd be so funny if this video included all of the remakes and rearrangements of utsu-p's "doll", utsu is the king of remakes lol. always somehow upgrading his sound... one of the best producers to date without a doubt. also another song with lots of remakes is kitsune no yomeiri from masa, i just love how each version has its own twist!! its very fun to listen to.
  • Halyosy just released a new version of Snowman today! He also made Fire@Flower (Sparkle ver) 2 years ago, I think?
  • I think marasy should make more Amatsu Kitsune versions. This is too little.
  • I love when you make comparing video of old Vocaloid songs to the new Ver of the song.
  • Since we’re counting versions with human singers, marasy actually did yet another rearrange of amatsu kitsune for the album voca-you 01 (october 2021)! It appears that god works hard but marasy works harder LOL
  • Just so you know, buzzG has also been remastering some of his classics and masterpieces! (Fairytale is a good one even if it was popularized by cillia's cover!)
  • For the part 4, can I suggest MASA Works DESIGN's On My Seventh Birthday, Utsu-P's Fools Are Attracted to Anomaly, and Pinocchio-P's Psychedelic Smile?
  • You should compare some of Nanahoshi Orchestra's older work like Rubik's Cube and Mythologias end to the remakes he did on his album paranormal legacy (or in case of mythologias end, the gumi version).
  • tengaku no necesitaba remake, la original es perfecta
  • If you decide to do part 4, I recommend Mikazuki Step by r-906, which got released in 2020 and got a remake in 2023.
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!