【vflower】100 EPITAPHS【VOCALOID Original】 2023年12月集計


  • 配信者:Ferry,チャンネル登録者数 9.85万人
  • 累計再生数:16万 ,一日あたりの再生数:11428
  • 累計コメント数:1,123,一日あたりのコメント数:80.21
  • 総合バズリスコア:79
  • この動画の推定収益: 32000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • Seeing Sergei's tired, soulless stare as he gives up on the last and most important person he has left in the world just hurts.
  • It's interesting seeing that as much as Sanya resents sergei's control of her, they have similar fears. Sergei does not want to lose the last person he'd ever considered family, and neither does Sanya. When you look at STRIKE 3 and 100 EPITAPHS side by side, although the two have diverging goals, in the end both Kazarins are tired and scared to lose what they love. Furthermore, both Kazarins are seeing their loved ones start to slip away before their eyes.
  • This is honestly insane. I’ve never seen such an impressive PV for a song like this, and the song itself is a banger. Seeing Sergei give up was very much heartbreaking as well. I don’t know what to say, this is perfect
  • Sanya connecting to Dmitry on an emotional level is so cool. I love that she talked about KT and tried to forge a bond with him, I think that was actually a good call (even if she did it in a reckless way)! Also. Sergei was really about to beat up a teenager. Loved Yura's smug face when Sanya came to his defense. I really liked the lyric "I chose to shut my eyes, you chose to bare your teeth", too. Great work as always Ferry!
  • I can't help but feel bad for Sanya and Sergei. After seeing Sanya fight back against him, he realised it was pointless trying to stop her from being as reckless as Yura, instead letting her do what she wants in defeat. And it seems Sanya also partially agrees with her brother's point of view of trying to protect her, or at least can see the reason behind it, which is why she sings the same melody as Sergei and is so unsure when Yura smiles at her.
  • Я НЕ МОГУ, ЭТО НАСТОЛЬКО КРАСИВО Ваш стиль становится все лучше и лучше, и это так вдохновляет. Это наверное самая атмосферная штука, которую я видела за последнее время. Я правда не могу выразить свой восторг. Цвета, анимированные вставки, фоны, отсылки... Ферри, большое спасибо за ваше творчество
  • Idk why but I have a strange fixation and fascination towards Kolya and Nikita. I wish we can get a short short song focusing on Kolya or even Olya!!
  • grr i just noticed. sanya's face when she thinks yura's done for after his phone is shattered is so insanely similar to sergei's face when he tells her to do what she wants. because he knows she's done for. im gonna start throwing things. the way they fight over everything and yet theyre so similar. ferry i hate you stop making good stories /j
  • this is absolutely beautiful, feels like we're hitting the peak of these mvs and im jazzed af about it! something i noticed is that its really interesting how your art styles developed, but more specifically, how its developed around yura - i kind of noticed it in Execution, but it feels like youre really unafraid to push his expressions and make him feel more.. well, yura. something's up with that kid, and i feel like you can truly see it in his eyes now.
  • LOVE the references to other songs in the lyrics And your animations and editing just keep getting better and better
  • This is actually raw as hell. The atmosphere and world-building gets DAMN well cemented in this issue, and the music is chilling and a vibe as always. I'm honestly floored, like every time you post I honestly cant think you can get better! But of course, you blow it out of the water every time. The visuals are insane, they fit in such a beautiful and precise way. The animation is fluid, the feelings are volatile, and it's so so gut-wrenching in the best way possible. I cannot think of another artist who has ever had me so invested. Love since Faulty Feline!! Thank you for the normal girl post...
  • literally insane over the ending of the video. the way sergei runs after yura in an attempt to protect sanya. the way sanya throws herself at and between sergei and yura to protect yura. the way yura smugly looks at sergei whole sanya protects him as if laughing in his face. they way sergei admits defeat and realizes theres nothing he can do for sanya anymore and he just. gives up and leaves. sanyas face at the end.
  • May I just say I love how Ferry's art style has evolved over the years? As the story matures the characters also mature and I feel like the art style really reflects that
  • This is phenominal and the fact that this is made from taking bits after the file corrupted is genuinely awe inspiring. Great song, amazing video.
  • i really really like the emphasis on thousand at the end before the final chorus. the song is called hundred. hundred could have fit into that rhythm just fine. but you specifically chose thousand. a thousand years ago it was a tepid autumn day, but a lock has sealed that door
  • Every time I think Ferry can’t outdo their previous song, they always somehow manage to leave me with chills. Absolutely in love with how this song complicates Yura’s already blurry morals to contrast him so cleanly against Sergei’s incredibly stalwart presence, with Sanya now residing in the middle of an ideological battle she was never prepared for.
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!