神のまにまに(Kami no Mani Mani) / cover by #holoARMIS 2024年01月集計


  • 配信者:HOLOSTARS English,チャンネル登録者数 11.2万人
  • 累計再生数:6万 ,一日あたりの再生数:4285
  • 累計コメント数:358,一日あたりのコメント数:25.57
  • 総合バズリスコア:26
  • この動画の推定収益: 12000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • Octavio really caught me off guard with such deep vocals in the beginning. What a range
  • Jurard really kill all his Boyfailure presence once he start singing
  • great job armis
  • Ruze singing in Japanese is to die for.
  • The gap from kusogakis to ikemen when hearing their japanese is insane. God bless covernment and staff for directing and organizing this ️
  • WOAH This cover is amazing! Ruze and Gibby's voices caught me off guard, you guys did an amazing job!!!
  • I already knew that Octavio and Jurard were going to do great at this. BUT, when I heard Gibby and Ruze sing….. I could feel my soul going to heaven.
  • 約10年前から今までずっと愛されてきたこの曲をarmisが歌ってくれて本当に嬉しいです…英語が苦手な自分もみんなと一緒に楽しんでいいんだと思わせてくれてありがとう 「神のまにまに」と同じように、armisがこの先もずっとずっと長く愛されるグループでいられますように!
  • 日本語で歌ってくださって、ありがとうございます! 皆さんの個性が聞いてて伝わってくる、とても良い歌でした!!
  • RUZE SINGING IS MELTING MY HEART AHHHHHHH HE HAS SUCH LOVELY AND UNIQUE TONE... I mean whatever tsch I guess his singing is ok.
  • Everyone sang beautifully. I think the fact that the song is in Japanese makes the guys sound more soft and pretty. Here's to many more covers
  • I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SONG, AND HEARING MY FAV BOYFAILURES SING IT IS MELTING MY HEART. Happy new year armis, y'all have gone so far already and I hope we can spend more years together !!
  • 日本語で歌ってくれてありがとう! ARMISを愛してる🫶
  • ARMIS' VOICES SOUND SO GOOD TOGETHER AND I LOVE THEIR HARMONIZATION SO MUCH! Octavio never disappoints and delivered another great performance! Jurard sounds so sweet and ikemen! I can't stop replaying Ruze's smooth parts! GB's vocals and range pleasantly surprised me! Happy New Year Armis and thank you for the cover
  • From bloodhounds to this song, rawr and kawaii at the same time
  • OMG RUZE !!! I love his gentle voice in this and the rest of armis together singing in this tone is * chef kiss*
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!