DECO*27 - ラビットホール:「Pure Pure」エクステンデッドバージョン 【@channelcaststation】 2024年03月集計


  • 配信者:NimbusCloud,チャンネル登録者数 2.98万人
  • 累計再生数:359万 ,一日あたりの再生数:170952
  • 累計コメント数:1,819,一日あたりのコメント数:86.62
  • 総合バズリスコア:610
  • この動画の推定収益: 718000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • credits, sources, and more in desc
  • If Rabbit Hole gets popular and known as "That one sus Miku animation" I'm ending it all
  • ngl i was expecting the og version for the second time
  • where is best part ?
  • Wait do they remove the part where miko riding on rabbit
  • Surprisingly the more SFW version is more NSFW because she's actually on a bed in this one instead of a bunny ride.
  • gosh, I hate that I forgot the nsfw version exists "extra sauce" in description
  • What is this song about?
  • Did you give credit.?
  • "If only channelcaststation could make more animations"
  • "musics with unhuman voices are not good" BLUH BLUH BLUH BLUH
  • ''come on and love this rabbit hole more and more'' WHILE SHES DRESSED AS A RABBIT WHYS NO ONE NOTICING THIS
  • I have i no clue what supposed to call her if not miku.
  • リズム感が凄く好きです️イラストも可愛いし、アニメーションも上手いですね
  • “you nincompoop” made me and my ass crack up
  • Guys put on the captions-
  • For some reason, I’m just obsessed with the song
  • My interpretation of this song is about a girl (Miku, as a example) that couldn't find any love or real affection, so, to feel loved, she works as a sex worker for people.
  • Channelさんのミクほんと好き
  • あの ラビットホールのうさぎの乗り物に乗ってるミクのシーンて何処ですかね、、、?
  • why was the fucking captions on
  • Deco*27 never said anything about "Pure Pure" (a character supposedly appearing in the music video, who looks like Miku but is not Miku), the person who said "this character is not Miku" was Caststation (probably as a translation mistake), who is an independent artist with no official relation to this song, Caststation didn't create the desing or the song, they just did an independent animation months after the release of the song.
  • This could have been better to use both versions, the SFW and NSFW together, up to you how you want to mix them.
  • i literally love the animation of this song omg
  • There’s a Nsfw version and now I can’t unsee it whenever I hear this song
  • The part where he rides the swinging rabbit didn't come out.
  • I wonder if this would ever get added on pjsk, i wanna t0rture myself with those fast beats
  • I've heard the English cover of this, HOW DOES SHE SPEAK SO GOD DAMN FAST?!
  • この作者の趣味が感じ取れる動画でした
  • Lyrics The lines of separathion are nil, nil It's not like you're super-duper special
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!