RABBIT H♡LE gl2 TW s/a (+18) 2024年03月集計


  • 配信者:WideDoggy넓은강아지,チャンネル登録者数 88万人
  • 累計再生数:58万 ,一日あたりの再生数:41428
  • 累計コメント数:1,313,一日あたりのコメント数:93.79
  • 総合バズリスコア:174
  • この動画の推定収益: 116000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • Honestly if people have a problem with it, they’re not old enough to understand and if people like Vic (this isn’t hate towards Vic btw it’s just an example ^^) can make videos containing certain “topics” why can’t other gachatubers?
  • As a hypersexual i can relate, i feel guilty af after thinking pf those "thoughts"
  • As a hypersexual person i am glad there is some representation at least and all of this video is very relatable i dont feel like Hypersexuality is something to be bullied or discriminated for but its always good to help someone who is hypersexual and im glad this is PROPER hypersexual representation and not stereotypical so overall good job on the video and representation!
  • Not only is this spin on the meme creative, but respectable too. I love the short intervals where the music suddenly stops, really puts a perspective on hypersexuality disorders.
  • That’s actually sad, but still, love the video!
  • People just don't understand that just like depression or anxiety, Hypersexuality is also a disorder that cannot be controlled and unlike the well known disorders, hypersexuality is ore serious for it can be passed from generations to generations due to sexual trauma and hypersexuality shouldn't be taken out on minors, and what makes it worse is hypersexuality is difficult to get off and it can also cause mental problems due to guilt or the reason they are like that
  • Hypersexuality is a less discussed mental health problem because of what it involves. But it’s important to talk about it, it’s especially important because it happens mostly in children and those who are sexually abused. Hypersexuality is not just a high libido, it is uncontrolled compulsive sexual thoughts. While it is possible to control the outward behavior, the urge still remains.
  • I was very interested in sexuality. I was even masturbating twice a day. But then I started to feel uncomfortable with what I was doing. Since I couldn't prevent this, I asked my twin for help. He advised me to tell my parents and said that if the situation was really serious, I should see a psychologist. Even though I was reluctant, I hesitantly went and told my mother and father. My father took me to a psychologist. I received treatment and I am now free of this situation. Yes, this situation was serious enough to go to a psychologist. I'm taking care of myself to make sure this doesn't happen again. Stay away from sexuality. Sex is not a pleasant and pleasurable thing, on the contrary, it is a situation that will seriously affect your psychology.
  • As someone with hypersexuality the guilt you feel after is so painful and it makes my stomach turn so bad, but its just like i need it
  • Reading the comments made me realize i might be hypers3xual. Having urges and thoughts all the time, even when you don't want it, is horrible. It's like you have no control over yourself. And btw, the quality of this video is awesome! it deserves much more attention, the tweening is so pretty!
  • as someone w/ hypersexuality, I can confirm it's like that. it can also affect your relationship w/ others since you become more distant and sex-driven, I hate being hypersexuality, its constantly having sexual thoughts that are either impulsive/intrusive. I don't get why people are hating when this is clearly spreading awareness towards hypersexuality. You obviously put a warning so they shouldn't sob and call this "gacha heat" when hypersexuality is a real life disorder, and it's serious.
  • this is so incredible yet kinda relatable (also for whoeverz going through this, im js gonna say, u r so strong, keep going<3)
  • I kinda noticed something, I don't understand the topic of hypersexuality but I understand enough to the point where I can make this comment. This was probably just part of the artstyle but I overanalyze things and I noticed on the shoulders there are these lines that separate the torso and arms, it caught my attention because its almost giving a doll like vibe and she's being controlled by this external force (In this case being hypersexuality as she can't control it). So she is being articulated in a way like a doll, the doll doesn't really have a choice in the matter, but if we personify it we could get something like this. Then again, I could be overanalyzing things (which i probably am, there isn't any other lines except for the ones on the shoulders) but I just found it cool how it represents the fact that people with hypersexuality don't have control over it.
  • There's nothing wrong with you. Many people do this. It's not to be weird enough, and it was your curiosity to make this. You have no shame to be disappointed of the great work you put in in in the effort. You should be proud of yourself. Because I'm proud of you
  • This really hits as I’m somebody with hypersexuality. I feel really guilty about it but there’s nothing I can do. I can’t stop it.
  • Cute But why end she sad
  • As someone who is sexually active/Hypersexual most of the time because of S/A Trauma this is very understandable to feel this way. I have dealed with this soft of attention, when i was around 11-13 (currently 13) with this intense thoughys of me having s3xual intercourse with my crushes, thinking how they feel, how they look how they even are in bed. S/A is a very serious topic especially when it is spread aroundd the world for awareness.
  • being hypersexual is hard. in one moment you feel happy doing and watching sexual stuff then after that u went back to your senses and feel disgusted. and it's even worse if it affect others. I hope the people suffering from this is okay.
  • Aww.., ngl I'm fine with this but I'd give her a hug to support her.., and I mean just a hug because I don't wanna make her uncomfortable
  • Honestly I relate to this, I really hate it and feel guilty as hell afterwards, I’m glad I could see a video of it, I don’t like having these thoughts and acting like this then feeling disgusted with myself
  • I unfortunately can relate to this, glad people like you and Vic spread awareness about stuff like this. Ignoring the sussy stuff this animation is really great! Also, are you feeling alright, Wide? I didn't catch up on the situation ever since that discord ping.
  • Tbh, idc if anyone will see my comment, but i just want to talk now that i finally have the chance to do so. I’m hypersexual, and i found out about it when i was 10. Some people say its wrong, but it can’t be helped. I find myself disgusting, but i can’t help continue to think “those” thoughts and do s3xual things. Its unhealty, i know that, but i can’t control my urges. I’m just so glad i’m not alone, because i’ve felt so isolated lately. Thank you for spreading the awareness, it brings lots of people comfort, including me aswell
  • tbh, now that i relize it i feel like most people who did Gacha h3at , ESPECIALLY the minors are affected with hypers3xuality
  • As someone who is hypersexual as a minor (and being ace spec) i really relate to this
  • These comments are so brainrot omfg, the creator is spreading awareness about hypersexuality, this aint gacha heat or anything ITS INFORMING PEOPLE ABOUT HYPERSEXUALITY
  • I relate so much with this, i didn't get sa or anything i was just exposed too the internet so early on. Which made me more "mature" like, this also made me dependent on pleasing myself cause i saw it on twitter.
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!