You Cannot Escape The Rabbit Hole Animations 2024年04月集計


  • 配信者:Lessons in Meme Culture,チャンネル登録者数 180万人
  • 累計再生数:51万 ,一日あたりの再生数:36428
  • 累計コメント数:1,929,一日あたりのコメント数:137.79
  • 総合バズリスコア:186
  • この動画の推定収益: 102000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • It all leads back to Miku. You cannot escape it. She is inevitable.
  • "Oh hey a new LIMC video, I wonder what’s it’s about-HATSUNE MIKU?!"
  • “Rabbit hole has become inescapable” The fact that there’s subjective music to go along with it, it’s tying altogether.
  • lets all get this cleared up. Hatsune is a vocaloid, essentially an instrument with a personification. she is the same kind of thing as a trumpet, but personified. lets just aknowledge that and the fact that she has such an impact online
  • Rabbit Hole is quite literally a hole. Once you enter, you can't leave
  • love how you're playing along with the whole "miku is a musician in herself" lore (like calling the song a collaboration) instead of just calling the voicebank... a voicebank
  • It should also be noted that the original animator of the short also gave people his work/animation files, so that people could easily edit it and make their own versions.
  • There are no laws against Hatsune Miku batman I'm gonna do it batman you can't stop me I'm not breaking the law
  • LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MIKU ON THE LIMC PAGE LMFAO Also reminder that Purepure doesn't exist, Deco27 lists her as Rabbit Hole Miku, and Caststation didn't create this DecoMiku shown in the original song and in their fan animation. + Miku is like a virtual Barbie, whose backstory, age, appearance, etc can be bent to fit the producer's music.
  • what people forget about miku and the other vocaloids is that you can make up age, hair color and so fourth. a good example is the project voltage series from pokémon. they redesigned miku in different outfits, imagined her in different ages and different ideals/ideas. her market age is 16 (not actually 16). however depending on the musician or even song, she can be in her mid twenties too.
  • There's two versions of this trend. An SFW version, and the original "NSFW" version. Obviously, we know which one we will go for. It's also, in my opinion, the "safest" NSFW trend.
  • Some more context from a vocaloid fan!! • Deco27 has been making music using Hatsune miku since 2008, his first vocaloid song turns 15 this year • Miku is more of an instrument than a professional vocalist, you can make her sing whatever you want and you can manipulate her voice in different ways
  • I’ve liked and RTed so much art from this clip,it feels like every single great artist was summoned to draw this.
  • "Love bluh, bluh, bluh, bluh, bluh"️️ never change Deco.27.
  • The animation is so addicitng to look at. Idc if theres anything weird behind it, i like the bouncy feel to it all
  • I have a terrible history with this song. Less than a week ago I got my Meningitis shot, and within the day got sick from working right after. I was so sick and fatigued for several days that my own imagination basically ceased to function, and I was basically bed-ridden. I had stumbled on this song hours before my appointment while scrolling, and it was stuck in my head all day. Basically, afterward, I was bed-ridden with this song and animation playing through my mind for 3 days straight. Thursday, Friday and Saturday I was up until 3 in the morning literally sobbing because that song was driving me to the actual edge
  • People act like this is something outrageous and completely unthinkable or new. This isn't Miku's First Banger.
  • "If there is a Rabbit Hole, then there's a goal." ~ Master Oogway
  • I think another thing that made this song blow up so much is that DECO27 has simply been in the vocaloid spotlight for a VERY long time with stuff like Salamander, or one of their other biggest songs Ghost Rule, they were one of the bigger vocaloid producers during it's height in the mid 2010's, and since a lot of their music makes it into Project DIVA/Sekai/Mirai/etc. games, I think that's one of the biggest contributing factors in how popular this song got. Honestly, It's astounding how many old producers are still active such as Kenshi Yonezu (Hachi) and Creep-P, I think it's old producers such as these as well as newer producers such as Tooboe and Idono Kawazu that keep the fanbase alive and keep vocaloid super relevant in this way
  • the funniest thing about this animation, is that by the end of the animation, where shes riding the bunny toy, the animation basically says "oh you're just dirty minded hahaha" when they had to change the character to someone who is 18. thats really funny to me
  • It's almost porn. That's the entire meme.
  • You know, I was on a streak of not seeing that until you posted. So, thanks.
  • "Love, Bluh Bluh Bluh Bluh Bluh Bluh." -peak lyrics
  • Truly a Hatsune Miku moment
  • Deco 27 is the GOAT, I loved him from the start, when he was just hatsune miku game song producer, and even back in the day he made amazing works of art (idk, for example Ghost rule, andoroid girl, vampire, and many older songs used in game) To this day he is one of my favorite music producers
  • Deco*27's only note being the work they did on Shangri-la frontier is an understatement
  • While probably not very well known to the general Internet audience, DECO*27 is a massive name in the Vocaloid, Japanese electronic music, and rhythm game communities, and also either worked together or remixed many songs featured by major VTubers and other content creators. The animation just so happened to mesh really well with the TikTok/YouTube Shorts style of videos. It's funny how Miku has constantly found her way into the meme culture of multiple different generations through some of the most random creations.
  • Rabbit Hole is a rabbit hole of Rabbit hole animations.
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