[MV] end of a life - Calliope Mori (Original Song) 2023年10月集計


  • 配信者:Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN,チャンネル登録者数 230万人
  • 累計再生数:1600万 ,一日あたりの再生数:21917
  • 累計コメント数:8,382,一日あたりのコメント数:11.48
  • 累計高評価数:321,235,一日あたりの高評価数:440.05
  • 総合バズリスコア:225
  • この動画の推定収益: 3200000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • Thank you so much for the opportunity, it was a pleasure to get to work with you ! I believe we both put a lot of effort into making this happen and i can't wait for other people to hear it !!
  • To this day, I find this song to be one of her absolute best works.
  • I lost my boyfriend this month. He was a fellow deadbeat and he really loved your songs so much. I keep this song on repeat every night since his death. Even though it stings my heart quite a bit, it makes me reminisce about all the nights we went through when we were still together. Thank you for creating such a beautiful song, Calli
  • I have spent the last 17.5 years fighting for my country. I have lost more friends post war than in. This song hit me so damn hard. Thank you for this.
  • After watching your 3rd Anniversary stream I never knew that you almost scrapped this song. I'm glad you didn't because its such an emotional song that causes me to reflect on myself a lot. And each time I listen it brings out complex feelings I can't even describe but I feel are manifested into the song. I can't imagine the emotions you felt while writing this but its such a banger. Its been 3 years and I can't wait to see what else you do. Keep on killing it Calli.
  • We'd run right through those nights I'll never find my way back to you
  • Calli has a way of making every song she writes sound like it's going straight from her heart to yours, she's incredible.
  • Two years ago today, this song released and sparked a fire in me I didn't know I had. A song that made me acutely aware of my position in life, but also somehow motivated me to greater things, resonating with me on a level I had never felt before. If I had to chose a singular favorite song for the rest of my life, it'd be this. Thank you Calli! Here's to more ahead!
  • We really made it that far huh ? You guys are insane, thank you for everything
  • I'm a musician who gave up. I've seen my friends and peers build lives out of music that I'm jealous of. There's a lot of self hatred I have for giving up. But I'd never let that get in the way of how proud I am of those who kept going. I'm so proud of you, Calli, and you don't owe anyone the guilt of succeeding. Please, for the dreams of those who've fallen, push as high as you can.
  • This song feels like it took something from me and it's only going to give it back when I finally say I'm proud of myself. I promise to make that happen.
  • That first line always hits like a truck.
  • I don't really watch a lot of Hololive but sometimes I stumble on some gold like this. This song is amazing Mori <3 I hope it reaches the ears of others who need to hear it!
  • Last night, I listened to this song for the first time in months. It instantly transported me back to those nights when my friends and I used to hang out on Discord. The memories flooded in, a bittersweet mix of nostalgia and longing. Back then, I couldn't help but despise the pandemic and the quarantine it imposed on us. It felt like our world had been turned upside down. But in the midst of that loneliness, a bright spot emerged. My friends and hololive-EN became my companions during those darkest hours, filling the void with laughter and joy.
  • God I Love this song, This broke me. Soon to be an official dead beat but we all pray for your Happiness Calliope. Thank you so much for giving so much of yourself for our sake.
  • Honestly so glad you didn't scrap this song after hearing you say you didn't like to at first and all that because honestly i don't know why but this song just hits so different than other songs and its just genuinely amazing and has very quickly become one of my most favorite songs of all time its just amazing
  • Calli - I don’t know if you’ll ever read this, but here are my words of thanks anyways. This song speaks to me so much due to me taking an opportunity to live and work in another country.
  • "It's okay to feel sad when something ends really hits hard today" That had us emotional, Calli. Your deadbeats will support you more.
  • This song is about to hit different again, help.
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!