Agency VTuber Refuses To Apologize After Backlash, Big VTuber Award Mistakes, Cops Called On VTuber 2023年11月集計


  • 配信者:FalseEyeD,チャンネル登録者数 14.2万人
  • 累計再生数:9.8万 ,一日あたりの再生数:24500
  • 累計コメント数:1,860,一日あたりのコメント数:465.0
  • 累計高評価数:4,385,一日あたりの高評価数:1096.25
  • 総合バズリスコア:597
  • この動画の推定収益: 19600円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • Anyone who thinks Kyo’s being racist has never experienced actual racism.
  • Kyo’s joke about Korea is not racist at all. It’s no worse than when people make jokes about the UK by imitating our accent and saying “bottol o’ wahta”.
  • On God I'm irish and if someone said something about us being known for potatoes I wouldn't even get a hint of anger it so weird how people get mad over the smallest stuff.
  • Korea DOES have an extreme plastic surgery culture. Is that their only feature? No. Pointing out that the culture around plastic surgery exists doesn't reduce it to the only thing the country is known for. Y'all aren't exempt from being teased for your country's features and it's flaws, same as any other country.
  • As someone whose lived in Korea for 10 years now, Kyo has NO reason to apologize for those alleged "Korean" Niji fans' ignorance of their own supposed country. The plastic surgery industry in South Korea is worth over 10 BILLION DOLLARS. It's part of Korea's GDP for god's sake. Local politicians and ambassadors go out of their way to promote in internationally to drive up medical tourism. 1 in 5 Korean women have had some kind of cosmetic procedure done, and in 2022, almost 50,000 non-Koreans flew in to get work done on themselves. Not only that, but cosmetic surgery has become so popular and profitable here, that there are actually fewer doctors and med school grads going into fields like pediatrics and other essential fields, and opting instead to become Rockstar plastic surgeons, thus creating a shortage of doctors. People need to be less sensitive and not take every well intentioned and factually accurate joke as a personal attack.
  • Tricky getting the cops called on her because she's laughing too hard is completely in character
  • I'm Korean and was not offended by Kyo's statement. He didn't say anything wrong. Korea is known for plastic surgery to the point where "medical tourists" come to the country for high quality cosmetic treatment. I actually respect him for his statement and considering I didn't follow him previously, I want to see more of his content now.
  • You can tell that he was likely forced to apologize and tweet that he wont stream for a week, I feel for that guy, must be hard to entertain an audience that can turn on you so easily and affect your job directly..
  • Honestly though Kyo isn't wrong. We live in a society where people can't even say facts from google.
  • I don't watch Kyo but he's right. that's like making a gun joke about the US and calling it racist.
  • This would be like saying it's racist to point out America's corn... Or Canada's Maple syrup.
  • Imagine if Americans got as upset about "ha ha burger country" jokes as Koreans are getting about something their country is well-known for.
  • I'm brazillian and we're also know for similar beautification surgeries, just uh in a more specfic part of the body (search BBL if you don't know), and I couldn't even begin to imagine how that surgery joke could be considered even remotely racist, with or without context, I feel like some ppl, especially on twitter get offended by anything that references them in any way shape or form, it feel like they just want a reason to get mad.
  • That dude is 100% correct. Nothing about that joke or the follow-up statement is racist. I don't know much about about Korea, but I know it's famous for StarCraft players and plastic surgery. If you don't feel like you actually did something wrong, never apologize. Never let a group of people brow beat you into an apology, because first off it won't be sincere so there's no point, and secondly, anyone participating in that kind of browbeating can get fucked.
  • Never liked Kyo much, but god damn he clapped back good. Fucking respect.
  • It's a weird subject. For one side, Kyo isn't slandering, judging or insulting Korea or its people. Like he said, mentioning things a country is very well known for isn't racist, specially when it's not even a flaw. I like putting myself on other's boots to understand their views, but if someone talked about my country in the exact same way Kyo did, I wouldn't be the slightest offended (the opposite, I would feel proud).
  • Doesn't South Korea like have the best (and affordable) plastic surgery in the world anyway? They literally perform miracles for people inside and outside the country who aren't happy with their appearances
  • Even in the most liberal interpretation of racism, Kyo isn't a racist. Saying a joke about Korea being a hub for plastic surgery isn't racist because it is not attacking a person or a group of people. Korea is a country, a place, and an impersonal object. The inability to distinguish a country and its people is linked to nationalism. People are only using racism as an excuse to attack Kyo.
  • racial discrimination, hardly. However people on the internet would go out of their way to be petty and go even further out of their way to spread overreactions
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!