Subaru Noticed Video Of Her Wiggling Cutely With Long Hair Reached 1 Million Views【Hololive】 2024年01月集計


  • 配信者:Vtube Tengoku,チャンネル登録者数 19.2万人
  • 累計再生数:29万 ,一日あたりの再生数:32222
  • 累計コメント数:517,一日あたりのコメント数:57.44
  • 総合バズリスコア:108
  • この動画の推定収益: 58000円


補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • The sheer power of long hair on girls who normally have short and short hair on girls who normally have long is not to be underestimated.
  • It's literally the "childhood tomboy friend returns, is now girly" trope.
  • Long hair Subaru is like coming across a shiny Pokémon. Always a cause for celebration.
  • If she uses the long hair for special occasions it literally is gap moe. The delta is what makes all the difference in the world.
  • If Subaru’s long haired version is bait then she’s catching the whole ocean ecosystem with this one! ️
  • I prefer the short hair, but you cannot deny the insane power of the long hair on a girl who usually has short hair.
  • History repeats when a video of Subaru doing something (like sitting down) is getting millions of views
  • She is starting to see the true power of gap moe, once she perfects it she will be unstoppable
  • Saying "I'm using shorts to bait more people to subscribe" straight up is crazy lmao
  • Still prefer the short haired tomboy look that is able to execute her majestic "I'm a girl too ya know" hip swings. Shuba's long haired version is very cute as it creates the aesthetic contrast fans are not used to seeing so I understand the allure of it.
  • Long Hair Subaru got me acting up Respectfully
  • Subaru as a tomboy persona with long hair is a rare sight so i love it
  • Long hair Subaru looks like Sora-chan from a weird alternate timeline.
  • It's the fact that it's a different hairstyle that isn't common. Unlike most of the other girls she really only has one hairstyle 99% of the time.
  • I like how whenever Subaru does anything cute she goes super viral. Strongest gap moe in Hololive
  • Still remember when Subaru long hair and twintail first revealed.. A revealed that hit Japan so hard it manage shattered Japan from one big island into three different island..
  • Her long hair energy is too much main heroine vibe.
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!