"Was Not One Attempt But Two..." | Dokibird Releases Final Statement on Nijisanji 2024年02月集計


  • 配信者:Khyo,チャンネル登録者数 8.99万人
  • 累計再生数:24万 ,一日あたりの再生数:48000
  • 累計コメント数:2,123,一日あたりのコメント数:424.6
  • 総合バズリスコア:253
  • この動画の推定収益: 48000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • "You can always choose to graduate" — said a "friend" who stayed and read documents meant only for legal.
  • I feel so bad for her parents as well, I mean the emergency contact she listed must have been them, which means they are the ones that are dealing with the Niji Management when she was hospitalize. imagine dealing with people that might be responsible for what happened to your daughter.
  • Doki is quite literally doing a better job at protecting Niji and their talents than their own legal and PR Management Teams, For Fucks Sake. Anycolor not only chose Black but they chose one so dark they cant even see what they are doing.
  • She's honestly being the most mature one in this entire situation. Not only she's being professional, she's also not being vengeful. No names dropped, no fingers pointed, everything kept as vague as possible so no one goes taking conclusions... Whatever her harassers made her go through, i wish it upon them tenfold. For her? All the happiness. For her, the fullest blessings.
  • The optimist in me hopes this is the last thing she has to say on the matter, but something tells me that this won't be.
  • Something I realized last night that Dokis new statement reinforced was how Nijisanji said they only showed the "relevant" pieces of the document to the Livers. I think Management may have been withholding or fabricating info to make Elira & Co. feel betrayed and hurt by Doki. After all, a Vulnerable person is an Easily Manipulated one.
  • The Vox line "Having THOROUGHLY reviewed the info sent over from Selen's Lawyers..." is the wildest thing in this situation, then niji stating after that those three were involved so they shared the info.. and the 'plus, they aren't obligated not to keep the info private...' bs they basically said too. Wild.
  • I PRAYYYYYY they get dragged to court in Canada.
  • Doki has never even mentioned that any liver bullied her. The only ones who has is Nijisanji itself and its livers, who seemingly just can’t stop self reporting.
  • It's crazy how Doki has given them MULTIPLE chances to let the situation get blown over for the better of both parties but Niji just keeps fuking up EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Like I don't think Doki was EVER going to actually sue them or take other big legal actions willingly but they are just way too scared of this one girl that they keep making their grave deeper and continue to throw their BS on Doki in hope that it will somehow preserve their reputation. They are literally making a Su!cide victim go through the mentally taxing and stress inducing ordeal of legal matters just because they are too arrogant to admit they were in the wrong. Like the girl just wants to move on and have fun again and never look back and this hellscape of a company but they just wouldn't let her go and have fun. GIVE ME BACK MY NEOPETS STREAM GODDAMMIT
  • Because it was niji’s plan to shift the blame on there talents. They purposely said livers when Doki didn’t say shit. What ever is going on they want there livers involved. Doki said it and I’ve been saying it there is no winnning side everyone got screwed over.
  • As someone who has made attempts myself im truly glad that doki has been able to recover and was not successful on either occasion and that she now has what sounds like a very strong support network around her. Recovery from such a place is a long hard road and being forced back into it when you are just trying to put everything behind you is straight up appalling. Doki has proved herself to be so much of the better person when she could easily have gone scorched earth on the people who nearly ended her life and gotten nothing but praise and support in return for doing so, but she hasn't purely because she doesn't want to hurt people. That really is a defining characteristic of a truly good hearted person
  • The fact the her lawyer reached out to the company and they didnt respond goes to show they just didnt care. Other livers need to take a step back and put themselves in Doki's shoes. If they can do this to her they can do this to them as well. I'm still 50/50 on Millie and Enna as they (along with elira) are the only ones (that i know of) who live in canada, so in regards to the doxing it could be just Doki private info.
  • Man, Khyo sounds so done with this. But I feel like Niji is about to pop up again and shout out "But wait. There is more. It gets worse."
  • These bastards are very lucky. Doki is too kind. So kind that it even harms her. Kind people are more likely to be bullied by others. If I were in Doki's shoes, and the actions of other people almost led to my death or the death of people close to me, I would do everything to make these people pay for their actions. It's as if the murderer were killed. What's the point of feeling sorry for him? It's the same with bullers. They bullied another person for so long, and now they themselves have become a victim of bullying. It doesn't deserve any empathy, it's just karma. People must take responsibility for their actions. Either way, I respect Doki's choice. But I also believe that the most morally correct choice is not always the truly correct choice.
  • isn't it funny that njsj dragged Milli and Enna into the mud with just one line from vox? like they didn't even had a chance to protect themselves nor they gave a context, he just mentioned the girls and now they are also involved, wild.
  • Damn This nuclear fallout is going to be crazy
  • i won't harass or witchhunt Elira,Ike and/or Vox but after this i wont be able to look at them in a good way anymore neither give any kind of support to niji, in my honest opinion unless any of those 3 speak out without having niji staff probably pointing a gun at them their reputation will be permanently damaged.
  • Doki's response just show the level of maturity and professionalism that characterizes her; even when she has all the reasons to act in a vengeful manner, she instead chooses the best, but also the hardest, option to find peace and resolution at the end of the whole situation You really need to be extremely strong to do something like that, and is one more reason to admire her, and also to honor her request of zero conflict against anyone involved
  • anycolor already broke canada PIPEDA laws by sharing the legal documents with the streamers lol. PIPEDA also covers foreign countries/companies if a canadian is working for foreign for-profit companies while still living in canada
  • I am 100% convinced they're doing this in the hopes to stress her enough to try again and get it to stick. There's NO OTHER WAY Kurosanji escalating the situation like this.
  • its incredible thatt they actually could've recovered if they just shut the fuck up after the first doki statement, but they couldn't help themselves.
  • Holy. Crap. Was Doki’s document the same one that Vox said he THOROUGHLY reviewed and the one that Elira and Ike said they also read? And then they made the video? Completely irredeemable. NijiEN and everyone who retweeted the company’s statement are dead to me.
  • And now we're more pissed off, because either the 15 minutes video were lies or some corporate manipulation. It is a shit show.
  • Not once, but twice. God. I hope and pray that Doki stays strong and moves on, eyes forward to the future, her future. And this info must've been in the documents. These monsters deliberately opened old wounds the moment she had an ounce of success after leaving. This is so infuriating.
  • Her statement almost made me cry; it's horrible she had to go through this.
  • Doki deserves the world honestly
  • I can't imagine how badly you have to be broken where trying to end it once was not enough in such a short time, worse what people would have to do to drive someone there. I feel for her friends and glad they were strong enough to take the shock and support Doki. The people I feel for most though are her parents, To lose a child that way would be the worst thing life can throw at you. I doubt that they will truly be able to get over this as they are constantly going to think "What can I hove done better, how did I fail to protect her?" FU Nijisanji
  • I have no kindness or empathy left in my heart for that company or its livers... I think I'm completely done with them even if this (by some miracle) gets resolved in a peaceful way... I've been in that headspace before I've even made an attempt myself and so I completely understand why she doesn't want to sent hate their way so I won't but knowing how far they pushed Doki I can't ever forgive them for this
  • How to dig your own grave 101
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!