The Nijisanji Allegations Are Getting Worse... | Vtuber Loses 20 Million Yen And Worries Fans 2024年02月集計


  • 配信者:Khyo,チャンネル登録者数 8.99万人
  • 累計再生数:25万 ,一日あたりの再生数:25000
  • 累計コメント数:1,823,一日あたりのコメント数:182.3
  • 総合バズリスコア:160
  • この動画の推定収益: 50000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • Pomu did the right thing by jumping the yacht before it got hit by a nuclear torpedo.
  • "I don't want to make the situation worse, but..." type always got me
  • Pomu leaving felt like the biggest earthquake for nijisanji and then selen getting terminated was the tsunami
  • At this point, the antis will keep going after every member until they find out who is the spy
  • This community is just Amogus at this point
  • holy crap, I saw luca’s model in the thumbnail and audibly let out a “jesus fucking christ.” edited because i didn’t realize i repeated the same phrase and it was bugging me
  • Nijisanji is a personal hell for non-native talents
  • Raziel's screenshots prove she worked for Luca, but I'm not seeing any irrefutable proof he's a narcissistic liar. If anything, those Discord screenshots makes her come across as super clingy
  • This women (24) divorced her husband to groom Luca when he was 17. Recently he reject her and she snapped
  • People wouldn't be going this schizo over the current members if everyone, including AnyColor, didn't basically confirm that there is harassment going on in private. Niji created this environment & they created this fan base, & it's unfortunate that innocent people are gonna get accusations thrown around in them because of their incompetency.
  • There is so much wrong with this statement idek where to begin… Raziel is 6 years older than Luca, but is upset that he acts childish
  • As a former Niji En fan hearing all this physically hurts me so much, and I know a ton of other people who are very discouraged by the latest news, clicking on videos involving Niji now shivers me timbers
  • Guy, if everyone could remember, it was Nijisanji that insinuated Selen was being bullied by other Livers, but did not drop names. This was a deliberate attempt both in NA and JP to cause the public to witch hunt other Livers and make the less intelligent of us focus on the Livers and not the company.
  • Bro they're not giving you a break
  • That looks A LOT like spite posting. got fired, fought with him, and now that niji is on fire it's the perfect time to throw shit at him, be it true or made up, that text is still heavily biased and full of hate. it was written to hurt his reputation, nothing else.
  • Did they just forgot that it was a "male illuna member" why the sudden shift to luca and all this stories from raziel is getting rather convenient like why is this now just getting revealed?like the moment talents are getting railed under bus suddenly someone has allegations wth.
  • Wasn't this the ex mod that had to be removed???
  • So there's some huge tea that Nux, Kuro, AND False have all hinted at and I'm wondering if anyone knows what it is. Nux said there's a huge thing he can't say and he's wondering if someone else will leak it, Kuro's ominous message about things he knows of will come out and it will get worse, False said in his Sayu interview there's something he will talk about in April. Is it all related?
  • I feel like it’s awfully convenient that Luca, one of two very vocal defenders at the company and who already has a decent amount of people who are already frustrated with him, is the focus of this “exposed” story
  • This Luka stuff still feels like sour grapes from an EX and not really anyone's business
  • All I'm getting from Raziel is obsession, grudge and just drama. Someone whose trying to prove a point so hard that its just ridiculous especially someone who was obsessed with a underage minor in the past. I'm not a fan of any of the niji members I just like watching them because they're funny
  • I'm not believing crazy woman that dumped her husband for a 17 year old
  • Hope everything works out for Eilene. I remember watching her videos from back before Kazuna Ai even existed (I especially liked Ebola Chan), and my oshi Comdost used to work for her. Eilene played a bigger role in early vtubing than most Western fans will ever realize.
  • Unfortunately for Ms. Raziel, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Allegations and discord messages just don't meet the bar
  • If the stuff about Luca is real, then yeah he used her and is horrible blah blah, i don´t really care, don´t watch him anyway BUT can we talk about how much that girl sounds like an absolute pain in the ass??? Fucking hell, the man played minecraft instead of talking to you or god forbid went to cook something WHILE talking to you, the nerve of him. And this is the stuff SHE showed us.
  • Never liked Luca but that doesn’t mean he’s automatically guilty no matter how he comes off
  • I’m gonna be honest this feels like bitter drama from an estranged friend. It seems the work they claim to have been doing wasn’t contracted or done with any kind of formal arrangement. Given how the post derails into talking about him not giving enough attention, issues with his personality, etc. I have doubts about the motivation behind the post.
  • This reads like an angry ex chasing clout while bagging on Niji is trending. Niji is definitely no saint, but this just feels opportunistic.
  • The most disgusting part of Raziel's post is the fact she uses Luca the entire post then randomly uses Luca's past life name twice in the post without warning. She basically doxxed Luca without his consent
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!