"Sacrifice Everything For Us..." | The Nijisanji Experience 2024年02月集計


  • 配信者:Khyo,チャンネル登録者数 8.99万人
  • 累計再生数:20万 ,一日あたりの再生数:50000
  • 累計コメント数:1,025,一日あたりのコメント数:256.25
  • 総合バズリスコア:168
  • この動画の推定収益: 40000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • Doesn't pay their talents a salary. Pays only 1% of merch sales. Doesn't help with projects in the money or managerial sense. Demands talents sacrifice everything for them. Anyone else feel its like they're convincing their livers to be their slaves?
  • “Come back when you’re ready to sacrifice everything for us.” Soooo Nijisanji is a cult basically.
  • You’d think niji would go above and beyond to make sure NDA’s where correct, you know, to cover up their mistreatment and such, but to get something as simple as THEIR NAME wrong is just ridiculous, it really shows how half assed and unprofessional they are
  • "Sacrifice Everything to the Company" literally Lethal Company
  • Oh just off the title ik this is gonna be wild
  • It absolutely sucks that the Livers have to be paid out of their own pockets by said liver because Nijisanji doesn't pay them in months
  • All this also helps explain Kuros massive tax debit. If he had to spend a load to pay for his own project himself without being able to cover taxes I can now see how easily it could get up that high...
  • Imma download this video before Nijisanji Defence Force nukes this video
  • Did you know that Elira covered a song "Shoujo Rei /ver. Elira Pendora" a song about a 2 girls one a bully and the other a girl driven to suicide, with the song sung from the bullies perspective. She really is keeping kayfabe alive in both her content and her lore.
  • Having to pay out of pocket even for anniversary events is wild. And I assume the events are expected? New models, merch, collabs etc. are something they might even be contractually obligated to do *out of their own pocket*. What a deal
  • I'm pretty sure Nijisanji is just an example of what is going on in Japan as a whole. Most of the people holding the reigns are of the older generation with antiquated business models and are working the younger generations to death. Though the CEO of Nijisanji is quite young, I'm pretty sure that the C-suite, shareholders and steering committee consist of old rich people that are influencing the direction. Aside from just Nijisanji, Japan's working conditions are so bad that MANY of its population are choosing to not have kids. Why have kids if you're never going to be home to raise them? Also, why do you think Japan has an absurd amount of Hikikomoris compared to the rest of the world?
  • another day another kurosanji gravestone
  • The seeing the trending thing on Twitter, I just want people to not blindly support companies and actually pay attention, that can be extended to a lot of things but Jesus Christ things don't change if you blindly support them.
  • Their reputation is sinking faster than their yachts
  • "Sacrifice everything for us." Even if they're still allegations, that is a wild thing to say.
  • Dude, what the person said about basically having to drop their friend reminds me of a similar event from my friend who was asked to drop someone who they were a moderator for (who was the streamers former friend) and it gave me such ick cause I could've been in a similar situation
  • How did a 2 billion dollar company cant even pay things on time. Giving wring NDA constantly. And they are making their talent as literal slaves that if they had problem with Niji then all of their lifeline is over. The "sacrifice everything for us" part is I think true because of Doki and some other news just strengthen this fact in my mind. What awful black company. And this is suppose to be the BIGGEST Vtuber agency (hololive is big too but just in terms of money Niji is still on edge because of their slavery merch cut)
  • On the NDA front, if Nijisanji put incorrect information on the NDA (project names and such), then people who signed them are technically free to come out and openly discuss it since the NDA they signed didn't name the correct project. I work in the games industry and have had to sign many NDAs and have seen them get reprinted because a comma was in the wrong spot and such.
  • I hope more stories like this come to light so that no one ever auditions for niji ever again
  • I thought of auditioning around the time they were looking for talents for ILuna. I made an audtioning video too, but backed out during the google doc form portion. I don't have a genuine reason for doing so other than a gut feeling that something was off about it. I'm glad I listened to that gut feeling.
  • "Quit working for others, work for only us, also there's no salary and your payment for merch I'd 2% of everything and you'll have to pay out of your own pocket to get art and merch for your own activities" These people are as business savvy as a junkie caught in a ponzy scheme.
  • I've learned that if i were to work for Niji, i shouldn't do any merch, don't make music, don't bother with 3D, and don't play any games. Just turn steam on and sit there, talking. They want to put in minimum effort, then i would too.
  • Funny story. A long time ago I worked for a Japanese company with a usa location. There were bathroom supervisors, with stopwatch. They would time, and file reports. A coworker took too long once, and the Japanese supervisor started pounding on the stall door to get out. There were other things they did, but there was a culture clash between the Americans working and the Japanese management.
  • The thing that really eats me up about this is the vtuber fanbase is tied to several businesses (art, voice work, editing, rigging/modelling) the fact that nijisanji won't pay people in these industries that they work with (to the point that talents have to pay out of pocket) or actively cuts off any other avenues of revenue for their talents (if not completely unfair cuts like merch). It's like they are doing everything in the power to ensure that no one in the industry will want to work with them. A lot of the blatant disrespect for the people they hire for rigging, etc might be because these are independent/ freelance workers not people tied to a company themselves and are viewed as less legitimate people in the workforce?
  • "Come back when you're ready to sacrifice everything for us" I've known for years that the japanese work culture was extreme, but this just goes to show how far things can really get.
  • Sooo the "sacrifice everything for company" explains about the three talking in the stream against doki
  • Niji is basically an entry level corpo. It is for people that are desperate. (which is why I continued to be confused why Ren is still there)
  • Bruv looks like everyone has come out to stop kurosanji from slandering doki. We will be praying for you khyo.
  • I mean, an abusers goal is to isolate their victim from any form of support other than them. Niji demanding people cut all professional activity and contacts other than them ensures complete financial reliance on them and ensures it will be harder to leave.
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!