Nijisanji Fans Are Still After Sayu... | Sayu's Response To Dokibird, Sayu's Explanation About Break 2024年02月集計


  • 配信者:Khyo,チャンネル登録者数 8.99万人
  • 累計再生数:23万 ,一日あたりの再生数:32857
  • 累計コメント数:1,268,一日あたりのコメント数:181.14
  • 総合バズリスコア:157
  • この動画の推定収益: 46000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • "Hey guys, remember when Selen was harassed into a very mentally unstable state by the company? Let's do that to Sayu" Nijisisters never disappoint
  • Justice for Sayu and Doki
  • Sayu did nothing wrong. Sayu still thinks she did something wrong, but she is wrong in thinking that she did anything wrong.
  • Man the drama with Niji never ends
  • Man people need to leave Sayu alone & stop riding for a Kurosanji! Love sayu & Dokibird
  • I'll say it and say it again, girl is doing her best to improve. Get you shit together and move on
  • (Edit for spelling) You don't have to like Sayu/Zaion's humor or personality; that's fine because it's not for everyone. But, if you're going to trivialize what she went through in & upon leaving the company, then you're trivializing what Selen/Dokibird went through because what they both brought up about behind closed doors within company are very similar. If you're gonna be a ass, at least be consistent.
  • I’ve always backed Sayu post-Niji. I’m just glad she hasn’t given up despite all the drama during the past summer. I’ll continue to support her all the way
  • It honestly sickens me the way people are continuing to go after her despite her being completely right about every single thing she revealed regarding the company Nijisanji and the toxic culture it fosters, from the backstabbing livers to the die hard fans that refuse to hold the company accountable. I sincerely hope this company continues to fall further and further down until it crumbles, because what they have created is a soulless corporate machine solely driven on making money at the expense of abusing their livers and tormenting the fans.
  • I can’t imagine liking a corporation as much as these crazy people.
  • Great case of "They hated her for she speaks the truth"
  • Lets see if Finana also accusses Selen of gaslighting like she did with Zaion. Sayu was backed into a corner to the point where she could have lost her life due to suicide or swatting, imagine sleeping everyday knowing that people know your adress and trying to do swatting attempts or may even come to you personally.
  • I support both Sayu and Doki
  • crazy how people have so little going on in their life that after almost a year, they still can't let go of any anger they have towards a Vtuber. Sayu, has, and always will be more than the mistakes she made, and it's pitiful that some people can't just chill the fuck out.
  • Sayu doesn't deserve the hate man, hope one day she moves on from what happened because she deserves the peace, she's amazing and hope the asoles that keep hating step on a lego
  • Honestly I felt a bit bad for sayu when she got terminated from nijisanji but I didn't think anything of it, when I heard her side I felt really bad because I knew nijisanji was not all that great of a company, I love the talents in nijisanji but the company is just getting really bad
  • Dokibird completely vindicated Sayu without ever mentioning her at all. The only thing Sayu has ever done wrong is thinking she did something wrong in the first place.
  • It really hurts when people bully others; it's a terrible feeling. All Sayu is doing is trying to live her best life; I'll definitely go check out her channel.
  • Honestly this is just heartbreaking. I get Sauy made mistakes in the past, but that is still no reason for people to harass, dox her or doing anything hurtful. It solves nothing, it does nothing to improove or help. What i legitimatedly hope is that she is doing ok and can continue with her career and goals.
  • Sayu deserves better. Hope we can see her collab with Pomu, Selen and the other members who left. I see them all as a little squad of people who found their freedom, even if people hate her. My respect for her has grown tremendously this past year.
  • Love Sayu! Didn't know her as Zaion, but she did a Lethal Company collab with some Phase Connect girls and am subbed to her since. Really enjoying her content and personality. What is with the lack of self-awareness of some people claiming to be against bullying/harassment and then turning around and doing it themselves?
  • She's taking antidepressants? Oh god.
  • Although her time with them was short, I could tell Sayu is someone who could have gone far as Zaion and the fact that she got the same treatment as Selen and are divided with her but everyone rallied to Dokibird..... well it just feels like sad irony. Sayu deserves just as much love and sympathy as Dokibird does.
  • The quote on quote nijisanji fans that is still mad at sayu and saying she's a bad person are hypocrites. If they still mad at her for her R joke we just had an en member saying on membership if they tried to kill someone there fans would still support them but none of the nijisanji fans is attacking that person. Also if they are attacking sayu for her little boy comment we have nijisanji jp member saying they are lolicons heck even one of there most popular members like lolis but none you guys attack him.
  • Thank you bunny boy. Sayu is an amazing person so I'm happy you openly support her like this. As for me and all her fans, we'll continue to support her through it all. Everyone has haters, but Sayu got really used to paying attention to those people. So seeing so many of them even after all the shit she's been through is very sad. But i digress, again thank you for making this little update. She is having an anniversary stream in like 2 days so that'll be really happy times
  • It is really a shame that Sayu keeps getting bombarded like this. Despite effectively going through a very similar situation to Doki and talking about it, no one believed her and further try to smear her name into the mud. While when Doki come out and basically goes over similar issues, she gets endless praise (still deserved, dont get me wrong, shes great). Its just a case of double standards and seniority (right term?). Doki was in niji en for longer (wave 2) and was a well loved liver during the EN branch's golden age. Sayu on the other came out when i guess you could say the EN branch was definitely feeling bloated (7th wave) and mood was soured when Yugo "graduated" 4 days after her debut, she was then terminated before she had a chance to fully shine and cultivate a solid base within nijisanji en.
  • Hate to say this but Niji diehards are the most hypocritical people who ask not to harass Niji talents then proceed to harass others. How can I say this? Who hates Sayu most other than Niji diehards?
  • That's one of the many things that suck being in the public eye, You can never win and mistakes are always intensified but it's good to see Sayu back and doing what she truly love's to do. She deserves to be happy and have inner peace.
  • Love Sayu and her past self, Im so glad i was able to find this girl(again)
  • It's completely baffling to me how someone can be so supportive of someone in a horrible situation, then look at someone else in the same situation and say and act in such a disgusting way that really makes them no better than anyone they're hating on. At that point, do you REALLY even care about the situation? Or are you just picking and choosing based on who you like for some self-satisfaction? Regardless, doing what these people are doing is unacceptable, and they should be ashamed of themselves. No one is gonna be happy with them acting like that, ESPECIALLY the people they claim to support who knows what it's like
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!