Addressing Your Concerns 2024年02月集計


  • 配信者:NIJISANJI EN Official,チャンネル登録者数 78万人
  • 累計再生数:61万 ,一日あたりの再生数:101666
  • 累計コメント数:11,648,一日あたりのコメント数:1941.33
  • 総合バズリスコア:1043
  • この動画の推定収益: 122000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • It's like he was drunk driving, hit a pedestrian, and is now apologizing to the witnesses, the bystanders, the lawyers, everyone, except the pedestrian.
  • "Please understand that some Livers may choose to temporarily step back from social media" Alright, but how are we supposed to know if they're just taking a break or IF THEY'RE LOCKED OUT OR IF SOMEONE ELSE IS SPEAKING FOR THEM? Man. And that 15 minutes black screen creeped me the HELL OUT.
  • That's the face of someone who knows his carreer's as good as dead now. A classic these days.
  • Doki's latest statement puts you guys well beyond any "WE'WE SOWWY UWU" territory.
  • I didn’t know Arasaka from cyberpunk 2077 actually existed in real life
  • The impact of this video on the audience will be NEGLIGIBLE
  • Pov you feel your pockets getting lighter
  • In the English speaking community we have a saying “actions speak louder than words” until your actions reflect otherwise most people that are throwing shade at you will never forgive you. Unless you can prove that positive changes are being made then anything you say will just fall on deaf ears. Just some friendly advise
  • Can y’all please hire a PR team this is INSANE oh my god
  • let me correct it for you guys, the title should be "Addressing Your (Investors) Concerns" There you go.
  • Ok, but him saying that the word "negligible" was a poor translation doesn't really hold. In the Japanese statement, they're saying 影響は極めて軽微であります which word for word roughly translates to "the influence is extremely insignificant." I don't think it would've made any difference have they used this expression instead. It's just tomato/tomato at that point
  • if the stocks didn't go down terribly you wouldn't have done this vid
  • Addressing Your Concerns Doesn’t Address my concerns
  • excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta In other words, guilty dog barks first.
  • that black and white tiling on the yacht is nice, would be a shame if it sank
  • No Ukelele, I rate this Apology video a 0/10. AKA The Same amount of respect y'all showed Selen. Fly High Doki Bird! We sunk the yacht o7777777777777
  • "we made it sound like we dont value the hardwork of our livers" My man, you dont even give them their silver play button
  • "we made it sound like our company does not value the hard work of our livers" Selen spent $200K out of pocket for Niji Events last year and only went even.
  • My guy looks like an anime villain about to give his opening Also loving the irony in that background
  • I work with non-native English speakers and I know that people don’t always know how to emote or express themselves appropriately in their non-native language. But you can tell this guy is rattling off a script and does not care what it actually says.
  • “We will take our talents well being and mental health into consideration” Says this as he literally used them all as a shield multiple times this week lol
  • This feels like a wasted opportunity for a PV non-apology à la Vocaloid.
  • I'll give you the same amount of respect you gave to Selen Fkin Zero
  • apologize to fans of nijiEN? more like apologize to investers of the company
  • Nobody has doubled down this hard on a losing battle since the fall of Sparta.
  • As a Japanese niji EN and JP fan living in overseas I think they're messing up their international expansion because they don't quite know how communication works about working culture in western. People in western country are fairly proactive to strike and speak up themselves, in this modern age on platforms like Twitter, creating a hashtag and casually rallying to a social movement, it represents a strong democratic spirit. In Japan, we might just tolerate no matter how bad working culture, mismanagement, low salary, sexual harassment whatsoever. We don’t take any action like starting unions or protests, just silently leave or get fucked out mental and body health. And if big name retailers or corporations known like Nijisanji caused a scandal,
  • I was half-expecting him to pull out a ukulele and sing
  • Damn, the CEO himself. That's how you know this is serious.
  • Please keep making more messages and responses please! I have plenty of popcorn to continue watching the comedic implosion of Nijisanji! Keep it up~!
  • We fucked up. I bow.
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!