A Message from NIJISANJI EN 2024年02月集計


  • 配信者:Elira Pendora 【NIJISANJI EN】,チャンネル登録者数 56.6万人
  • 累計再生数:117万 ,一日あたりの再生数:167142
  • 累計コメント数:30,149,一日あたりのコメント数:4307.0
  • 総合バズリスコア:2384
  • この動画の推定収益: 234000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • Vox himself saying there is no favoritism is the funniest shit ever
  • I feel like I’m tied to a chair and forced to listen to the people who kidnapped me trying to convince me that it’s my fault I got kidnapped
  • "There's no favoritism" -The favorite Liver
  • "Selen might have tried to unalived herself twice because of us but I'm actually a victim as well" - Vox akuma 2024
  • My grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, ‘If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you need to stop immediately’ Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized exactly what was at stake. He quit that very day. Three years later my grandfather died of lung cancer. We were very close, and his death destroyed me. My mother said to me, ‘Please never smoke, don’t put your family through what your grandfather put us through.’ I agreed. All these years later I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it because your video was so shitty it gave me cancer anyway.
  • This doesn't feel sincere without a ukulele song
  • With a “friend” like Vox, who needs enemies?
  • There's no favoritism in Nijisanji - Says the golden child.
  • releasing this video the moment doki went live just tells the world who the bullies are good job elira tanking your career
  • "You can always leave nijisanji" yeah no shit vox holmes, you can also close comment/reply section if you don't want to get harrasment right.
  • Niji should've just pulled out the ukulele
  • Thanks to Legal Mindset for confirming that Vox thoroughly reading the documents was 100% fucking illegal. Congrats to Vox for playing himself.
  • Niji's favourite son is saying theres no favouritism
  • In Chinese we said 沉默是金or “Silence is gold” This VOD just show how bad the management is from this company. Are you THE manager? Why are you doing this first befor CEO? Since every thing you said need to go through your manager/legal team first, why you mentioned the documents that you not supposed to mention? The meat shield is not working at all. My favourite song used to be DCL and after this I do not even dare to see the cover of the video.
  • That's rich coming from you guys throwing Selen/Doki under the bus while playing the victim card
  • She surpassed you. Again. Congratulations.
  • I know Elira's lore states she betrayed her half-sister but I don't think she needed to commit this hard to the bit...
  • I listened again the whole Vox part and it really sounds like he is releasing his parasocial fans to attack Selen. That "it hurted me" part is so telling. Only abusers do that in a public setting.
  • At this point dokibird is a doing better job at protecting the "COMPANY" reputation then these guys.
  • How can you go and publicly speak against a supposed friend of yours who's at risk of suicide? Sometimes being a friend means sticking with them, even when you think they're wrong.
  • I'm shocked the comments are left open. Actually I'm shocked the VOD is even still up.
  • You know what's funny? This stream will forever be cited as "THE ELIRA VIDEO" despite having 2 other people in it. Imagine having that accolade for the rest of your career hahaha
  • This will haunt you forever, Knowing that you were friends, and especially since Selen/Doki has been going through so much. If you are willing to sacrifice your friends for a job. that's a massive L in my opinion
  • "My friend" "Our friendship" "I am shocked with her" "do not ask us anything, do not pressure us" "it's her fault" "it's all false" "we politely informed her" "someone I trusted and considered a friend" "Selen/Doki's suicide attempt is serious... BUT". Almost everything that came out of Vox's mouth is so full of manipulative tactics, gaslighting, and narcissistic behavioural traits. You really haven't changed at all huh Vade/Calysto?
  • So that's why she was handed documents that were reserved for Managers/ Lawyers, because SHE IS a Manager (well shadow manager anyways)
  • If you are homeless, just buy a house. If you are bullied, just leave. Same energy BTW.
  • "All of us do not condone harassment of any kind to any of the parties involved" - proceeds to strategically send this live the exact time Dokibird has her stream scheduled with the intent to intercept it.
  • No way. You guys were COWORKERS not FRIENDS, and putting all of the blame on Doki/Selen knowing that something seriously was going on here that affected her so badly and attempt was made on her life is genuinely messed up.
  • I've never felt so disappointed, I thought certain niji waves were quite a distance, but I didn't think Luxiem members were going to be so heartless. I'm sorry, but what kind of person flames someone who attempted not long ago? Do you think someone's life is something you can just play with?
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!