【HOPE TO THE FUTURE 3D LIVE】 IRyS 2024 Birthday Live! #IRySBDay 2024年03月集計


  • 配信者:IRyS Ch. hololive-EN,チャンネル登録者数 100万人
  • 累計再生数:34万 ,一日あたりの再生数:28333
  • 累計コメント数:485,一日あたりのコメント数:40.42
  • 総合バズリスコア:101
  • この動画の推定収益: 68000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • Hololive really upped their camera game this time. It definitely looks a lot less janky now with like less awkward positions; combined with IRyS' incredible showmanship (the singing and dance particularly). It's just spectacular. Happy Birthday IRyS
  • 恭喜IRyS突破100萬 希望能成為世界的希望 真的替她感到非常開心
  • Xに「ライブで『DEAD OR ALIVE』が神だった」ってあったからまさかと思って見に来たら、マジでファフナーの、angelaの『DEAD OR ALIVE』だったからビックリしたわ… 『shangri-la』が有名すぎてこればっかり歌われてるイメージがあるから、それ以外も歌われるのは嬉しいな。
  • One of the best 3D Livestreams I've ever witnessed, you really planned everything so well and thank you to the staff for organizing everything so well by making your ideas come true in this show! For the quality and pacing of everything I can only try to imagine how much hard work and effort was put behind everything, specially for singing and dancing at the same time, that's not easy feat, plus the editing and the camera views were top notch! My favourite part though was seeing you and Flare singing together, it was such a beautiful and meaningful moment for me^^
  • idk... after watching this live, "amazing", "awesome", "so good" were full in my head for the live, but I'm definitely sure they are totally not enough to express my feelings about this live. Not only to mention your vocals, but your dancing and song choices showed how much effort and heart you put into this live. The guests' dances were great, but your dances were even more smooth and beautiful, so I can tell you spent a lot of time practicing.
  • I was gonna wait for the super thanks function to appear to leave a comment , I guess it’s not happening still don’t see that button. I’ll SC you on another day. IRyS…I could wholeheartedly see and feel how much work and planning you’ve put in this. And congratulations, I think it was a HUGE success! I enjoyed every second of it, and just like 3DShowcase, this video will be one of my most replayed vod. I want to watch over and over again to admire every detail in your performance. The dance….the singing…..the emotions….the song list…the guests and their wonderful performance….it was such a SOLID show that I’d pay big bucks to watch.
  • IRyS がEGOISTを歌うっていうビジュがエモい。しかもちょううまい。
  • 全編通して最高だったのは当然として、ガーネットが特に涙腺きました… 歌詞の節々でアイリスと重なるように思えるところがあるわ、歌声が透き通りすぎてるわでもうね…(語彙消失
  • Irisってこんな歌上手だったんだ!! 歌い方めっちゃタイプ、、、 スプラの印象が強かったけどこれからは歌枠とかもみていきたい!
  • 全編通して最高でしたが、中でもRising Hopeがパート分け、ダンス、全てが完璧で鬼リピートしてしまう……
  • 100万人ともにお誕生日おめでとう IRySの成長はこれから加速する こんな綺麗な歌声は絶対に広がるなきゃ
  • IRySが歌う「当事者」「名前のない怪物」 これが見たかった(←ryoさんファン) ありがとう
  • JPなんじゃないかってくらいほんと相変わらず歌が上手い、、 1曲目から鳥肌やばかった… JPゲストが沢山来てくれてて見てて楽しかったし、何よりアイリスの声がすごい心地よかった…!これからもずっと応援してます アイリス素敵なライブありがとう!改めておめでとうございます
  • Absolutely amazing show, IRyS! Took us to space, took us to the guests, took us to church, and took us to eden at the end. So many different songs, guests, and themes matching together; I can't even begin to think about the amount of planning, design, and creative thinking that's necessary to pull something like this off.
  • IRySは凄いや 俺の見たかったもの全部見せてくれた だからこそ、これからが本当に楽しみだ
  • Flaresinging the Inuyakishi ED was beautiful, choreo, vocals and all. I'm so happy these two became great friends (and play splatoon)
  • オタクの紅蓮華、Rising HopeをIRySが最高の形で歌ってくれたことに感謝しかない!!
  • IRySの歌、最高なんよ バイリンガルでめっちゃ性格良くて、3Dのビジュアルが素晴らしい! いつもJPニキのために同時通訳してくれるのが本当に嬉しい... 100万人、誕生日、3Dライブ、すごい2日間だった!おめでとう!!
  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH ! ! ! ! ! ! Am kinda late to reply this (since i slept like a log after both concerts), so let me just say, u were oshi at first sight, the past 3 years have been a blast to us the Nephamily and ofc, to u too, our beloved push, that pushed us to the side of HOPE. Am not tired of saying this (and am not saying this on a light manner), u have no idea (or maybe u do ) how many of us IRyStocrats u have helped to overcome ourselves when we hit rock bottom.
  • After watching Garnet time and time again I finally noticed you drew スキ in the air and was using a lot of Japanese Sign Language throughout the song. It was so cool and beautiful Rising Hope was probably the best performance in the live but personally Garnet will always be my all time favorite
  • For once I knew 2/3 of the songs off the bat...from one mid 2000s-2010s anime era otaku to another, thank you IRyS for a wonderful 3d live! The songs brought back a lot of memories of watching those shows in anime club and cons (and sci fi is my favorite anime genre too), and I can hear and feel the passion and love you have for all of it. Here's to many more birthdays and concerts!
  • IRySの真っすぐで綺麗な歌声と、コラボ時のわちゃわちゃの対比が良い! 特にみこちとポルカちゃんの配置が神がかってる 最初から最後まで飽きさせないこのバランス感覚、やりますねぇ
  • "Namae no Nai Kaibutsu"—IRyS with Sora and AZKi! Heavy hitters! Polka brought huge energy as a guest. Awesome
  • This live was everything I could have hoped for, i'm so proud of you IRyS and i'm so proud to be an IRyStocrat! You were amazing
  • 未来に希望が持てる素敵なライブだった! 感動でずっと心が震えてる! It was a wonderful concert that gives me hope to the future!
  • Man the song choices were pretty amazing, as Fatima and Rising Hope are some of my favorite songs. Also congratulations IRyS! I'm sure you put a ton of effort into making this work. As someone who used to be part of a dance team in college (the dance was Soran Bushi), I know how much effort it takes just to do a performance.
  • You can really tell she put her heart into this, so happy she's achieved 1 mil!
  • man, that was awesome, finnally my push could show her skills in full scene, Aishiteru song was GOLD, but others too ofc, it was just perfect start for my Idol!
  • IRySの歌うファフナー最高や! いつかdead setも歌うところ見て見たい! 誕生日おめでとう️
  • That Rising Hope with the group was just beyond PERFECT Truly feels like a glimpse for the upcoming Fes
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!