"White People Are Irresponsible and Selfish..." | Nijisanji Vtuber Under Fire For Remarks 2024年03月集計


  • 配信者:Khyo,チャンネル登録者数 9.18万人
  • 累計再生数:17万 ,一日あたりの再生数:8095
  • 累計コメント数:4,739,一日あたりのコメント数:225.67
  • 総合バズリスコア:174
  • この動画の推定収益: 34000円
  • 共感度の高い意見

    補足 日本語でない意見はブラウザの翻訳機能を使えば訳せることが多いです。

  • I can’t believe Kyo was getting mobbed for making a statement about Korea being popular for plastic surgery but Uki can continuously demean a whole group of people and nobody bats an eye
  • Ok...I'm asian but...I don't think someone's racist because they said hi to me...like what?
  • As a straight white male I liked Uki a bit before but wow... "People who spread negativity have already made up their mind" - Thanks Uki, good to know where you stand, sorry for being born I guess?
  • Ironically, him interacting with blatant bait is both selfish and irresponsible.
  • I'm sorry he's continuously making fun of and demeaning white people even when theirs absolutely no prompt. This is absolutely clear-cut racism and his chat agreeing and insulting nice people is disgusting. When I go on walks, I greet people as I pass by, and they greet me as well. We are nice and cordial with each other. Adding to this making fun of white people kissing. Getting upset with white people talking in a game or being a game show host. These aren't jokes. There are no punchlines, and as you said, there are more of this behavior than yes clear cut racism.
  • Uki really seems to have a racist problem. And really they aren't jokes. And even if he claims they are. People often put their true opinions in jokes.
  • But remember that Enna's joke about fried chicken was over the line, & Kyo had to be forced apologize about his Korean surgery joke. Come on, be consistent at the very least. & Maybe walk on eggshells when you're following a PR disaster.
  • As someone who's spent an unfortunate amount of time around racists and been subjected to their "jokes" Uki's comments are the kind that come from someone who's genuinely racist. Do not give the benefit of the doubt.
  • Uki will bash white people every chance he gets, Yet Sayu gets terminated and Kyo gets suspended
  • People saying this is the tweet that will kill Uki's career haven't been around long enough - this isn't' the first time he's made anti-white jokes or anti-straight jokes. His PL is full of them, his Niji life is full of them, and I'm sure his future life is full of them too. He proudly calls himself heterophobic- and not always in a joking way.
  • Saying Hello in the street, even to strangers, is being polite, in Europe at least. Sad it kind of disappears lately....
  • So Kyo gets shadow suspended for making a comment about Korea that was gaslit as racism, but Uki makes an actual racist comment and gets nothing? Also not surprised in the slightest. Its easy to guess someone's ideals when they wave rainbows that aggressively and practice witchcraft.
  • He gives off the "Oh I'm not white so I can't be racist" kind of vibes and its popular to dunk on white people, Who knows what he says behind the scenes about others that are looked down more on the internet.. They are what i like to call the "Gossip Racist", they do it more behind the scenes in friend groups but sometimes pops out when they start to get comfortable.
  • Anycolor, except white.
  • I don’t like calling racism at the drop of a hat, and I was completely fine with calling all of those clips edgy jokes at the absolute worst, but that one about the old couple felt so sincere that I can’t help but change my mind.
  • It's just funny when the livers stand up for some fan artist trying to sell off her stocks (from her twitter, she makes it clear she wouldn't have gone for nijiEN is she had enough time) that simply got a few mean comments thrown at her, yet say absolutely NOTHING and FUCK ALL when artist reveals that the company didn't really pay them or when even livers (that Wilson dude) copy their mascot design and give it to another artist to make.
  • I'm not one to complain about jokes, but these don't honestly seem like jokes. There seems to be venom in his words.
  • As a Hispanic who's got a lighter skin tone and often called a gringo in my life, Uki's behavior just reminds me of how shitty people used to be in high school, and he's probably never grew up mentally since then either. I honestly hate this biased superficial bullshit over people's skin color, and it always tends to come from the people who say they're against discrimination & racists while also being the most discriminate & racist themselves.
  • Just quietly dissolve Niji En already..
  • As a white man, i wouldnt care at all for those jokes, the only thing that make it annoying is that i CANT make those same jokes about black ppl, coz that's viewed as racist. So, either both are racist and both gets punished or none are racist and none gets punished, the double standard that is annoying.
  • Calling to elderly people racist because they said hello and were polite…Wow… I literally say hello and smile at people on a daily basis that a walk by to friendly and polite!
  • Those... those weren't jokes... At least not all of them. That fucking "old white couple" story? THAT was fucking telling.
  • Truly pathetic Judge people by their personality, not their skin-tone.
  • This is far from the first time Uki has been caught being anti-white racist. Anyone remember when Parrot included clips of him saying sh*t about "pasty white persons"? I sure remember. Strange how those clips never took off in popularity, right? Meanwhile Zaion got terminated for some stuff much less repeated than that. Rules for thee, but not for LuxNoc.
  • "This are all just jokes" - ok, change "white" for "black" then
  • If he were discussing any race other than white people he'd have been terminated before making it to 2024. "I was walking down the street when this old black couple walking by greeted me and it made me feel uncomfortable. Im sure they have deeper feelings about Asians."
  • It's livers like Uki that should not be allowed to graduate and sink with the yacht to the watery depths of despair.
  • I’m so happy you’re covering this, I was the guy who was asking for the video comp to be sent to you! Thank you so much, you’re the best!
  • Yeah no, he's 100% racist. I watched several of these streams (the collab ones) when they happened and yes they are technically out of context but only in the sense that he randomly says shit like this without prompting. Everyone else and the game can be doing something else and he randomly throws out these comments. I barely watching collabs if i see he was in them because you can break everything he says down to this, "i'm gay", and calling everyone in the collab a bitch. Like if it was just occasionally it's like it's okay, it's a joke or banter but at this point it's his whole personality.
  • How the heck is management letting him get away with this for so long? Oh wait... It is Nijisanji. Never mind.
  • 気に入ったらこちらからチャンネル登録,Goodボタン,コメントして応援しましょう!!