新着 アニメランキング 2023年11月集計




配信者:TOHO animation チャンネル

13位:『薬屋のひとりごと』ノンクレジットOP:緑黄色社会『花になって』【毎週土曜24:55~ 日本テレビ系にて全国放送中! 】

バズリスコア 561

この動画の推定収益: 566000円



  • 意見調査中です。
  • 配信者:Netflix

    14位:Scott Pilgrim Takes Off | Official Trailer | Netflix

    バズリスコア 561

    この動画の推定収益: 410000円



  • I am shocked they got the entire cast back, I have such high hopes for this now
  • This is the love treatment that fans of every franchise crave and deserve. I've honestly never seen anything like it, and I have a ton of respect for everyone involved.
  • as someone who grew up with the books and the movie words cannot describe how incredibly accurate and amazing this looks
  • It's great to see animated shows being given this much focused attention by both the audience and everyone behind the show. This trailer is uplifting and I will be hoping for more to come.
  • The fact that they got the entire cast back is freaking amazing.
  • It's like mixing the best aspects from the comic, the movie and the game, the passion can be felt from light years away
  • The OG movie cast, the OG movie director, comic accurate art style by an incredible animation studio, & an original score by Anamanaguchi?! The people who did music for the game?! This is the ULTIMATE love letter to Scott Pilgrim as a franchise
  • I remember on an interview Chris Evans said Scott Pilgrim was some of the most fun he'd had on set. No surprise to see basically everyone coming back to reprise their roles.
  • The fact that they're not just retelling the same story but animated but actually reimagining it makes all kinds of intrigued and excited
  • I never saw the original Scott Pilgrim. But from what I've heard about both it and the books, it more than earned its reputation. I just have one question; WHY THE HECK AREN'T MORE PEOPLE DOING CLASSIC ANIMATION ANYMORE?!! I mean, this looks amazing. Why are all the studios only making CGI and live action? Lets bring back traditional animation!
  • There are limits to what live action can do. I'm glad Scott Pilgrim is being presented the way it's meant to be.
  • 配信者:Netflix

    15位:Scott Pilgrim Takes Off | Opening Credits | Netflix

    バズリスコア 518

    この動画の推定収益: 194000円



  • It's amazing that the Scott Pilgrim live action cast is brought back to reprise their characters by voice acting.
  • Never in my life did I think this series would get its own anime opening! And thank GOD I was wrong!!!
  • Now this is an awesome anime intro song. You can feel the energy and 8-bit synergy of the world of Scott Pilgrim in this. Can’t wait to hear the movie cast again.
  • Laughed out loud at the shot of Kim and Stephen singing along to the OP in front of a brick wall like in the BECK OP. What a great little joke. Can't wait for this!
  • The dedication and passion they are putting into this anime is very noticeable, the song is very beautiful and combines very well with the animation of the Opening.
  • Scott Pilgrim Takes Off looks very fun and beautiful. The best thing about the show, is that it has the same plot, same cast, same creator and same art style. This is the best intro i ever see since Neon Genesis Evangelion.
  • I’m honestly not concerned at all with how good or bad is it going to be I know 100% it’s going to be amazing
  • Yes, this has early 2000's feels and I can't believe that is considered retro now.. lol Love the song! The show's gonna be an unforgettable journey for sure.
  • The fact that the movie cast is back together along with Edgar Wright playing his part in this, you KNOW this is gonna be good. Singlehandedly the best animated project Netflix has ever cooked up.
  • Not only am I glad that the original cast from the 2010 film reprised their roles, but I'm also happy to hear Anamanaguchi is working on music! It's like the best of both worlds!
  • Still can't believe Necry Talkie is the chosen one for the opening! They're such a great and cool band, you guys should listen to them right now
  • 配信者:FNNプライムオンライン

    16位:翼から7時間動けず... なぜ岸へ泳がなかった アメリカ

    バズリスコア 509

    この動画の推定収益: 278000円



  • マジで運良いなこの人… 飛行機墜落で生きている事、それと海面から翼が上がっていた事、ワニがその気になって襲いに来なかった事、どれか1つでも欠けていたらワニの餌でしたね…マジで運良いな…
  • ワニの巣に救助に向かう隊員に尊敬。
  • この人はかなり運がいいな もし翼が水に浸かってたらって考えたら怖すぎる
  • なぜ岸に泳がなかったのかと問いかけていますが、仮にここがワニのいない湿地帯でも無理に泳いで岸に行こうとするのはリスクが高いと思います。遭難したときは無理に動くと体力も消耗するので救助隊を待つのが1番賢明な判断だと思います。
  • 素晴らしい判断と忍耐力
  • なんという冷静で的確な判断力なんだ。
  • 翼の上で動けなくても生きてる事に感謝して5体満足で呼吸出来てる。それだけで幸せと思える7時間。
  • 7時間もワニの恐怖に耐えたのか。救助されてよかった。
  • 「そうそう、ここから逃げ出そうなどと思うなよ、周りはワニだらけ、この飛行機の翼が天国に思えるほどの死の世界だ」 というセリフを思い出した。
  • 良かった。。 足も早く治りますように!
  • ほんとに申し訳ないが湿地帯の上で翼に座ってるのはすごい絵になる
  • 配信者:KADOKAWAanime

    17位:TVアニメ「ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 3rd Season」特報|2024年1月放送

    バズリスコア 507

    この動画の推定収益: 82000円



  • Ayanokoji Kiyotaka is finally making a comeback And it looks like the animation is looking better than it did in season 2
  • 明らかに2期より作画クオリティめちゃくちゃ上がってる、超楽しみ
  • 大好きな一之瀬と有栖の活躍が見れると思うと楽しみでしかない
  • The fact that we are getting to witness 2 legendary protagonist in winter 2024 is insane, both sung jin woo and ayanokoji are goated asf
  • Let's go . Animation looks cool hopefully they wouldn't skip parts from LN
  • もうラノベ神過ぎて死にそう 2年生編もアニメ化してくれ
  • おぉー!!ついに3期きた!! 作画もいいし期待大!! 制作してくれてありがとう!!
  • 2期より作画安定してそうで安心 円盤も買うけど、初見時の本放送でも良いクオリティで見たいし
  • Eu só estou no aguardo, que venha 3°temporada
  • 声が聞けるだけで幸せ…!! 3期制作、本当におめでとうございます!
  • 原作へのリスペクトを感じさせる出来栄えであることを期待しています。 というか普通に続き見れるの嬉しいよぉ!! ありがとうございます!!!
  • 配信者:ピグマリオン


    バズリスコア 457

    この動画の推定収益: 16400円



  • ちゃんと案内や客から電話を切るように仕向ける業務をこなしつつ性癖を満たしてて天職すぎる
  • マジでこの女性声優さん好き(*^ω^*)笑
  • 面倒なクレーマーは頭おかしいのが多いけど、そこに頭おかしいのをぶつけるスタイル好き
  • 全てが天才すぎるわ
  • なんでこんなに癖に刺さるものを作ってくれるんだ
  • いつも面白い動画ありがとうございます^^ ドMにクレーム対応させる案 いいねって思いました
  • このすばのダクネスと張り合えるレベルのドM!
  • 敬遠されそうな仕事やけど、これはドMの人の働きたい仕事No. 1になるな!笑
  • クレームをクリームの様に扱ってるwww
  • 声優さんが上手すぎる
  • この声聞きたくてクレームもっと増えそうw
  • 見どころ!


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