歴代 vtuberランキング 2023年10月集計




配信者:Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン

49位:【original animation MV】マリン出航!!【hololive/宝鐘マリン】

バズリスコア 116

この動画の推定収益: 1134000円



  • Finally, Senchou is no longer just a cosplayer. She's become a real pirate.
  • 一味がかなり美化されていたけど、とても良いMVでした
  • 設定を放り投げるVTuberがいる中設定をしっかり守ってるの良き
  • この曲に背中押されて、海賊じゃないけど海上自衛官目指して受験中です。陸海空で迷ってた頃にこのMVが出て海に決めました。 頑張ります
  • すごいな…ここまでのアニメーションを依頼できるなんて…本当に愛されているんだなぁ
  • 最近一味になった女ですが、アニメーションの中にも女性一味がいて嬉し…となり…
  • Senchou really needs her own anime. Just saying, she's got big protagonist energy.
  • ガチでゲームとかの主題歌とMVで採用されてもいいと思うくらい、完成度高いしすべてが強い
  • 田中公平先生が仰ってた。今はこういう曲調の歌は誰も歌わないって…でも、これがいいんじゃあないか!これが!この90年代アニメの曲調!こういう勇気の出るような曲調がまた流行ってこい!!
  • MVに一瞬だけど映したっていう船長の思いが嬉しすぎる
  • どんなに素晴らしい新曲が出ようと、やはり「マリン出航」に戻ってしまう。 落ち着く、気持ちいい歌だ
  • 配信者:Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN

    50位:[DEBUT STREAM] SHAAAAAARK #hololiveEnglish #holoMyth

    バズリスコア 114

    この動画の推定収益: 1120000円



  • "For the next hour you're stuck with me." Adorable shark girl is not the worst thing to be stuck with.
  • Who would've thought this little shark would end up being the most famous Vtuber
  • This is my first time that I felt learning English is extremely important.
  • The moment she said "a" was the closest humanity has ever been to hearing the truth of the universe
  • now I understand why she's the fastest growing. she was already a legend in her past life...
  • "a" is a historical moment right there
  • Watching this after 3 years; it's kinda amazing how so little has changed (not in a bad way). When you watch other vtubers, they usually act much more different in their debut. Like take Bae, she was all nasally high pitch in her debut. Gura just sounds like Gura, nervous yes, a bit cringe maybe, but like I could watch this stream today and it wouldn't feel out of place.
  • "A" has turned a year old today, but I'm letting everyone know that REFLECT is currently more popular than her own debut stream. Congrats on making it this far, Gura.
  • A Shark is never late, nor is she early. She arrives precisely when she 'a'.
  • She’s so cute and awkward. Can’t wait for Gura to rewatch this today and cringe a tiny bit
  • The person in chat who tried to call her "shark loli" but got autocorrected to "shark Loki" was actually a lot closer than anyone thought.
  • 見どころ!


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