新着 vtuberランキング 2023年10月集計






バズリスコア 582

この動画の推定収益: 56000円



  • グッドボタンお願いします(^0^)/
  • 全員の予定合わせるのもはや不可能なので、箱イベを毎年やってくれるだけでありがてえ
  • 推し不参加で寂しいけど運動会やってくれるだけで嬉しい 大変なのはわかるけど毎年の恒例行事としてやってほしい
  • 当日だけが全てではなくこれから会場設営や練習会等の準備期間があるわけで、その手伝いも立派な参加だと思うのよ。広い心で応援しましょ
  • 色んな事を乗り越えて楽しい企画をリスナーに提供してくれて本当に感謝しかないです。ありがとう
  • 予定合わない人とかいるのは仕方ないけど今年デビューした新人組が輝ける場だろうから個人的には楽しみ
  • 全員参加は流石に無理だと思ってたけどそれでもこれだけの人数が参加してくれたのは感謝しかないし、今年もどのチームも楽しみすぎる
  • 運動会会場の準備もめちゃくちゃ大変だろうに今年もやってくれて嬉しい
  • 新人たち頑張れ!
  • ネガティブな意見を気にせず、運営や参加者の人には楽しんで企画をやってほしい。楽しみに待ってます!
  • 配信者:Hero Hei

    26位:VTuber ruins her career in a very embarrassing way

    バズリスコア 569

    この動画の推定収益: 19000円



  • Pin
  • Funny how she’s so descriptive on how SHE wants a dragon girl to be, yet “words aren’t her forte” when it comes to an apology.
  • Whenever someone says "they are getting KYS or life deleting threats" I am skeptical, because its an easy way out and can immediately paint themselves as victims rather than being a decent human being.
  • That situation made me feel bad for Freya. Here she is taking responsibility and apologizing for the cow in particular and deflecting some heat off that cow. Meanwhile, the cow pretty much doubles down with her bs and contradicting the "advice" she threw out to Spit about ignoring the opinions of strangers. Bitch clearly has zero remorse and doesn't even care that her friend is taking heat apologizing on her behalf. Freya's too good for her and some of the others in that stream defending the cow.
  • "She/They, Poly/Pan," 35 y/o millennial, plus-sized vtuber model, incredibly vile and frustrated personality... I'm noticing a trend here
  • That cow vtweeter, they're the kind of person to talk about how they're super against misogyny and are such a feminist, but when the chips are down they're probably the most misogynistic person in the room at any given moment. "Boobs icky uwu" is a type of unironic misogyny and I won't be convinced otherwise.
  • I'll say it again. Gatekeep your communities, people. People like this vTuber will destroy the entire community if you let them.
  • There's a huge difference between saying "I'm sorry I hurt you" and "I'm sorry you felt that I hurt you".
  • I always liked how there is some sort of competition to see which Vtuber tries to ruin their career in the most horrible way possible. They always try their best lmao
  • The imagery is just really funny in this one. Like of course the literal fucking COW is mean towards the pretty girl because she's bitter. It's so stereotypical I can't help laughing at least a little. Also, dragons don't have tits? Where did she go to see them irl?
  • She is now in her discord trying to blame "mental health problems" on this shit.
  • 配信者:Gomi Simpington Ch.

    27位:𝗙𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗮 𝗦𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝘀 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝗽𝗵𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀 |Hololive EN|

    バズリスコア 527

    この動画の推定収益: 54000円



  • Funny thing is no one actually snitched. Fauna is just that bloodthirsty and chat was just spamming "FAUNA SWEEP"
  • i love how her lonely elephant in Moona's base was just wrecking havoc without Fauna ordering it to attack, it just destroyed that squad LOL
  • Kiara and Reine not understanding that building a castle near someones base is a declaration of war lmao
  • There was too many misunderstandings that happened because fauna was having trouble controlling her units which i thinks is so hilarious because everyone freaks out from the unconventional movements.
  • I find it funny how Fauna was just playing casually while Kiara and Reine thought she was being sweaty and meta-gaming. Kiara even said that next time they can't use chat for help, thinking they were directing Fauna's victory when in reality they were just teaching her how to play the game and spamming Fauna Sweep.
  • I was listening to this stream while on my way to grab a couple of drinks with a friend so I missed the second half, but the moment I noticed she got so deep into gaming kirin mode that there were no tangents or engaging anecdotes, only discussion of what was currently happening in game, I just knew things were going to get ugly for everyone else.
  • Kronii signing her loss when she built that wonder without proper defense plan
  • My favorite part about the fauna elephant strategy was just how she had like 15-20 villagers farming the entire time when she had almost zero use for food whatsoever. Can't wait to see all the fanart of Fauna commanding a herd of elephants
  • 配信者:ChroNoiR

    28位:【人気企画】レオスとローレンに「サーティワン全部食べる」をやらせた結果…!? #くろなん

    バズリスコア 524

    この動画の推定収益: 152000円



  • ローレンが毎回カメラ切り替わる度に姿勢がえぐくて笑ったわ
  • 公式側も3Dになるの待ってましたと言わんばかりにゲストにローレン呼ぶの好き
  • ヤ ニ カ ス が な ん か や る
  • ローレンがじっとしていられないと前話してたけど本当に一生動いてて良いな
  • ローレン座ったら思ったより猫背で笑った
  • レオロレなん二人ともゲラで適当になってんのまじでおもろい
  • 3Dお披露目待ってたかのようにローレンが出てくるの嬉しい
  • 辛いものでも苦しみ 甘いものでも苦しむ男たち
  • 自分たちが苦しんだ企画を後輩にやらせてニッコニコな先輩えぐくて面白い
  • まじで人選がいい それなりに言いたい放題な感じがすき
  • 配信者:Kenji

    29位:Vtuber Trying Jollibee For the First Time! w/ HANDCAM!

    バズリスコア 509

    この動画の推定収益: 28000円



  • When Kenji opened the box, presented with that one singular chicken, I wheezed so hard and I still can’t get over it to this day. His reaction was priceless I couldn’t breathe
  • As a filipino, I-I don't know how to feel ngl. Jollibee is quite literally my childhood soooo. Btw the way you pronounce palabok if fucking hilarious
  • It’s official Kenji is now a food critic
  • This was such a fun live. 10/10 stream, one of my faves
  • as a filipino ngl i was a bit shocked on how the palabok looked lmao def not the one i usually eat at home
  • the one piece of chicken in the box is still so funny
  • Kenji looks like he’s getting humbled real quick by a few of those bites great video, keep up the great work bro
  • as a filo, I feel highkey disrespected but anyways, love you kenji
  • Kenji actually got some really nice hands fr Also the prank you pulled in the beginning got me dying
  • 配信者:Rev says desu

    30位:Extremely Petty Vtuber Drama

    バズリスコア 498

    この動画の推定収益: 16200円



  • The worst thing about it was she went the extra mile and attacked the person behind the model and not just the model itself. That's personal.
  • It's nice to see people expose themselves for being uglier on the inside than they try to portray themselves visually with their vtuber model. Makes it so easy to avoid genuinely toxic people.
  • She keeps calling the dragon a "bitch" but she never stops to consider the way she herself is acting.
  • The cow's 35 btw, she said it somewhere down recently on her twitter. Jesus, what a kidult. Meanwhile the goblin host (wont say her name since you covered it up) not only put out that actual apology taking responsibility, she spent hours replying to people, both people praising her for stepping up and giving a real apology, and cunts that double down on the vitriol at her. Her response to both was still to take responsibility and apologize AGAIN, never once shifted blame, never once denied something someone said. Possibly one of the most mature and respectable people in the vtuber space and on twitter as a whole.
  • I love how it was objectively the ugliest and worst model in the roster talking all the shit. Anyone else want their heffer well done?
  • I wouldn't call this person a vtuber. That's disrespectful to vtubers. This person is a v-tweeter.
  • "I want flat chest because Dragons don't have tits" She's saying that as if dragons are real...
  • "I'm sorry my words upset you, but you should ignore me as I am a complete stranger to you". That's a prime example of gaslighting. Of saying that anyone is allowed to say awful things about others and it's the victim fault for "not being strong enough to ignore".
  • Kiryu Coco would beg to differ. She was literally a pioneer to the west for vtubers in general, the reason why they’re so popular overseas. Show some respect cow.
  • My FAVOURITE part of the Cowbell Smash or Pass debacle is that she tries to deflect and say that her words were taken out of context and it was edited to make them look bad. Then THE STREAM HOST THEMSELVES show up in their replies and basically tells them “can you NOT LIE about the contents of MY STREAM? It’s making me look like an idiot”. Good shit.
  • 見どころ!


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