新着 vtuberランキング 2023年11月集計





13位:モンストにハマり楽しんだ結果、ゲームの本質を見抜いてしまうぺこらw【ホロライブ/切り抜き/VTuber/ 兎田ぺこら / モンスト 】

バズリスコア 674

この動画の推定収益: 60000円



  • ホロ見たことなかったけどまじでここまでハマってくれるのシンプル嬉しい
  • こんなに楽しんでやってくれるんだから、来週来るであろうコラボも配信出来るようにしてあげて欲しい。
  • コラボは映せない等の諸事情で長期間の配信は難しいかもしれないけど、どんなゲームもやるとなったらとことんやり込むぺこらが好きだ
  • こうやってはまってるって 楽しそうにやってくれるの嬉しいな
  • さらっと信用は失いたくないから丁寧にやってるってプロ意識を語るこの兎はすごい。 おもしろ可愛いのはもちろんだけど、プロ意識徹底してる所尊敬する
  • 単語がちゃんと理解して発言してるから 代行してないってことが分かって もっと嬉しい
  • モンスト楽しんでくれてるのは、とても嬉しいです自分もモチベ上がります
  • 想像してたよりガッチガチにやり込んでて尊敬
  • やっぱほとんどのソシャゲに言えることだけどゲームは見せる人がいるとモチベ上がるし楽しいよね
  • ちゃんとやり込んでて好感
  • ぺこちゃんはとにかくゲーム好きってのがよくわかる。
  • 配信者:Kobo Kanaeru Ch. hololive-ID


    バズリスコア 640

    この動画の推定収益: 160000円



  • Ekspektasinya kayak debut 3D member lain, tapi malah dikasih lebih dan udah kayak mini konser aja, Terima kasih Kobo Selamat atas 3D debutnya
  • Dang, this is really the best 3D debut I must say
  • Broooo, her song choices are another lvl, definitely one of the best showcase
  • 這地球就是繞著你轉 太酷辣!!
  • 真慶幸KOBO當上V,她是個天生的Vtuber,多才多藝歌聲又好又非常活潑!真的很歡樂的3D SHOW!
  • As always, blown away by Kobo's singing and performance!
  • ️Halo, Kobo. Saya NihonNiki, jadi izinkan saya menggunakan terjemahan Anda! Terima kasih atas pekerjaan Anda di 3DShowcase! Saya telah menonton Kobo sejak debutnya dan saya meremehkan betapa imutnya dia bahkan dalam bentuk 3D. Kobo yang bergerak dengan gembira, sungguh lucu!
  • コボちゃんのシルエットめっちゃかっこいい!
  • Damn. I don't watch her live that often but she absolutely CRUSHED this. Maybe one of the best 3d lives of all time
  • Yooooo her vocal range and control is insane I've never enjoyed watching a hololive 3d debut this much it's like a mini concert I even replayed the songs she sang in this debut
  • 恭喜kobo的3D直播圓滿成功,每一個表演都讓人感到驚喜中間也銜接的很自然,完全不冷場 我很開心能遇見kobo那麼有才又可愛的vtuber之後也會繼續支持你的 That’s my pleasure to get to know you i’ll keep supporting you🥹
  • 配信者:FalseEyeD

    15位:Agency VTuber Refuses To Apologize After Backlash, Big VTuber Award Mistakes, Cops Called On VTuber

    バズリスコア 597

    この動画の推定収益: 19600円



  • Anyone who thinks Kyo’s being racist has never experienced actual racism.
  • Kyo’s joke about Korea is not racist at all. It’s no worse than when people make jokes about the UK by imitating our accent and saying “bottol o’ wahta”.
  • On God I'm irish and if someone said something about us being known for potatoes I wouldn't even get a hint of anger it so weird how people get mad over the smallest stuff.
  • Korea DOES have an extreme plastic surgery culture. Is that their only feature? No. Pointing out that the culture around plastic surgery exists doesn't reduce it to the only thing the country is known for. Y'all aren't exempt from being teased for your country's features and it's flaws, same as any other country.
  • As someone whose lived in Korea for 10 years now, Kyo has NO reason to apologize for those alleged "Korean" Niji fans' ignorance of their own supposed country. The plastic surgery industry in South Korea is worth over 10 BILLION DOLLARS. It's part of Korea's GDP for god's sake. Local politicians and ambassadors go out of their way to promote in internationally to drive up medical tourism. 1 in 5 Korean women have had some kind of cosmetic procedure done, and in 2022, almost 50,000 non-Koreans flew in to get work done on themselves. Not only that, but cosmetic surgery has become so popular and profitable here, that there are actually fewer doctors and med school grads going into fields like pediatrics and other essential fields, and opting instead to become Rockstar plastic surgeons, thus creating a shortage of doctors. People need to be less sensitive and not take every well intentioned and factually accurate joke as a personal attack.
  • Tricky getting the cops called on her because she's laughing too hard is completely in character
  • I'm Korean and was not offended by Kyo's statement. He didn't say anything wrong. Korea is known for plastic surgery to the point where "medical tourists" come to the country for high quality cosmetic treatment. I actually respect him for his statement and considering I didn't follow him previously, I want to see more of his content now.
  • You can tell that he was likely forced to apologize and tweet that he wont stream for a week, I feel for that guy, must be hard to entertain an audience that can turn on you so easily and affect your job directly..
  • Honestly though Kyo isn't wrong. We live in a society where people can't even say facts from google.
  • I don't watch Kyo but he's right. that's like making a gun joke about the US and calling it racist.
  • This would be like saying it's racist to point out America's corn... Or Canada's Maple syrup.
  • 配信者:Kuzuha Channel

    16位:【 Valorant 】 では練習しましょう 【 ラプラス3 かるび3 神成きゅぴ3 水無瀬3 】

    バズリスコア 527

    この動画の推定収益: 66000円



  • 葛葉ガチ強なのほんとかっこいい
  • ※長いので誤タップ注意 ※調整前 ◇雑談他
  • これあれや、限界で輝く葛葉の回か!? スクリム本番楽しみだぁ
  • アセ踏んでから段違いに上手くなったねフラッシュの避け方かっこいい
  • 座学でたくさん吸収してこっからもっと強くなる葛葉見れるの嬉しい たくさん応援するど〜〜!!
  • 対あり!チームの連携力も上がってきて観てて楽しいし、 葛葉さん強すぎてかっこよかった
  • 対あり 格上相手のスクリムでラウンド取れるようになってったのすごいし 葛葉のエイム仕上がってたし チームの伸びしろ楽しみ! 遊戯王もV最も応援してるぞー!
  • 葛葉𝐻𝐴𝑃𝑃𝑌 𝐵𝐼𝑅𝑇𝐻𝐷𝐴𝑌 久しぶりに最後まで見れたけどめっちゃ楽しかった!!対あり〜
  • 葛葉つよすぎるよ! エイムがよすぎてかっこよすぎる! 普通に敵強い人達よりもスコアが上で惚れ直した
  • 対あり!お疲れ様でした! 前回よりもチームとして良い感じだったと思う! エイムもビタビタで凄かったわ〜
  • このチーム観てる側は負けてても面白そうだな。楽しみ
  • 配信者:Gomi Simpington Ch.

    17位:𝗜𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗕𝗶𝗯𝗼𝗼'𝘀 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝗺𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝟯 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀... |Hololive|

    バズリスコア 501

    この動画の推定収益: 82000円



  • Gotta give Biboo credit, she came prepared for war. The rock can take a blow when she's rock solid other times.
  • Props to Biboo for having such a solid defense, it took so long for her to fall for 1. "All that for a drop of blood." -Biboo
  • Flawless execution by DragoonKain3. Dropped her guard by referencing the in season Halloween cover. Then used slight of hand to distract her into thinking about other members and costumes while using another holomem's name, Gawr, in the set up. Beautifully done.
  • Biboo is the evil we need. It will force fans to revolutionize Deez Nut jokes to outsmart her.
  • I like to imagine that literally no one was making any attempts at Deez Nuts jokes, Biboo was just paranoid as hell—thinking that every superchat is a Deez Nuts setup.
  • When she finally collabs with Risu it will be legendary.
  • I love how she pulled the jokes on Kaela but Kaela's too innocent
  • "I looked forward in time to see all possible Biboo streams." "How many did you see?" "14,000,605" "How many times did we get her?"
  • There's something about so delightful about hearing her adorable voice growing more excited and loud as she builds to the deez nuts
  • That was a whole operation, taking shots with the easy ones, making it look like she was invincible, and then striking on the opportunity by using the event as a distraction Still, Biboo remained undefeated for three months, she's a true meme lord
  • 配信者:とりぷる / Tripl3

    18位:【手描き】クロニー「ピーナッツバターきらい」ぐら「…!!?」 【ホロライブ切り抜き/がうる・ぐら/オーロ・クロニー】

    バズリスコア 461

    この動画の推定収益: 46000円



  • 普段子供っぽいのに話し合いの時は理論的なぐらちゃん良いね
  • 数ヵ月ぶりにふらりとやってきて歌配信してくれるぐらがたまらなく好きだ
  • 絶対本人たちもこんな表情だったんだろうなって確信を持てる動画
  • 画面作りがマジで上手い。デフォルメのきいたキャラのコミカルさと、空気感のある色とライティング。正面向いた時の顔が全部決まってて可愛いし、カットのテンポも小気味良いし、ホントすごいと思う。
  • 2人がダイナーでのんびりこんな会話してるって容易に想像できて好き
  • トリプルさんの学校帰りのワンシーンみたいな表現が素晴らしい! こういう海外の人の何気ない、でも面白い会話見てるとファミリータイズとかフルハウスを思い出しちゃう
  • 緻密な解釈に基づく表情の描き分けが素晴らしいw
  • Gura’s shock is relatable. Kronii is weird but she’s our weirdo
  • Gura - as a shark - poking fun at Kronii for liking Tuna is low-key meta humour gold.
  • とりぷるさんは仮想の場面設定がマジでドンピシャすぎて天才か?!って毎回思う。 クロニーはカナダだけど、「アメリカの人たちって、こういう会話をこういう場所でやりそう!」って腑に落ちてた。
  • This is why I like Gura, she doesn't kill spiders and likes peanut butter.
  • 見どころ!


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