新着 vtuberランキング 2023年12月集計




配信者:Noel Ch. 白銀ノエル


バズリスコア 145

この動画の推定収益: 126000円



  • 作詞作編曲しました。牛丼大好き!!!
  • MV担当させていただきました〜!!! 楽しかったです
  • いつもとは違うタイプの神曲やん
  • すき家で一生流れてる
  • まじ誰が書いたmvか開始2秒でわかるの好き
  • 好きな絵師×推し×牛丼=最強
  • 揃いも揃ってぽっちゃり化しててすこ
  • 牛丼をぎゅっとしてドーンに変えて歌にしたのは天才の所業
  • 配信者:FalseEyeD

    32位:ironmouse Award Wins Lead To Threats, VTubers Stay Suspended, VTubers Exit Agency, 2023 Awards Recap

    バズリスコア 142

    この動画の推定収益: 16400円



  • There's always bound to be people who completely disagree with the results in these kinds of events no matter what they are... And a vocal minority who are totally unhinged in their way of expressing that distaste. Im glad at least the vast majority hold a sense of decency and avoid falling into that behavior
  • Mousey has learned that success comes with a toll of hate. Just pure jealousy of anonymous cowards. I'm glad Mousey took this situation in a very pragmatic way.
  • Bro if you're sending hate and threats to a Vtuber over winning an award you need to take a step back and reevaluate your life because there is something SERIOUSLY WRONG with you
  • The fact that Mousey sees Vtubing not as a job, but an escape from her situation, shows how important it is to her.
  • Sad to see Cheri leave, its clear she loves streaming and made the decision because she felt she had to, which looks like it was 100% due to backstage drama of some kind. I was pleasantly surprised to have immediately stumbled upon her revived past-life though a few hours ago.
  • with the shit mouse has survived and overcome to reach her position, those death threats and mean comments are no more than a bad joke to her. she is arguably one of the strongest people on the planet.
  • My insight as somebody with chronic pain, hearing mouse shrug off the death threats as ‘I don’t think so’ ‘been there, done that’s’ is so relatable. Every day your body is fighting to live and die at the same time, it’s not even a big deal anymore. XD god I love her.
  • You gotta be in a really low place already to send death threats to an ill person...
  • 配信者:超級蘋果人SuperAppleMan

    33位:FuwaMoco / What the fox say

    バズリスコア 142

    この動画の推定収益: 74000円



  • The twins' energies are so contagious.
  • The fact that you can clearly tell which one is Fuwawa and which one is Mococo is so funny because Fuwawa always has this kind of restrained “I’m being cute” energy to her and Mococo will go hard in the paint every single time like her life depends on it
  • What does the Fox say? Obviously it's "NOT CAT, YES FOX!"
  • The original is just an art But this one is a masterpiece
  • You know they really get into it when they break sync. There really was a talent for each animal mentioned in this song. That was actually perfect.
  • I've had the idea for a hololive version of this silly song for years, so glad to see someone do it. Esp. one of my fav vtuber animators. Even better that holomem sang it.
  • The fox clearly wants friends that is why she always says "Friend"
  • Truly a fantastic video. Great animation, really cute character moments, nice editing, and just spectacular all around.
  • 配信者:Rev says desu

    34位:This Vtuber Drama Is Insane

    バズリスコア 141

    この動画の推定収益: 19200円



  • By far not the worst Marina ever did. Tbh. I can't believe people tolerated everything else. Even criminal behavior, just because of Marina's identity.
  • Marina is the example of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes"
  • She's not sorry, she's sorry because she started facing consequences.
  • And she has the audacity to say deny and blame the transphobes what a surprise
  • This new rule set was bound to fail to be honest. I already knew there would be a lot that would abuse the new rule. Marina did too much, they strike me as the type that was never held accountable for their actions.
  • Shylily said it best, the change would have helped artists, but then people took advantage and acted up, and now that entire industry is under a microscope.
  • Bro she somehow put vtubers, trans people, and probably woman and weebs into a bad light, she doesn’t look like a good person lol
  • Wait WAIT WAIT! Wasn't GLYTCH Energy the same sponsor who did damage control for Marina (/by hiding the comments of the people who were warning them/) when they were informed by Marina's actions during the Hogwarts legacy SilverVale/Pikamee situation?? If so, SHHHHEEESHHHHHH
  • 配信者:Kanae Channel

    35位:VCR GTA2 #2 | どんな命も助けるよ【にじさんじ/叶】

    バズリスコア 140

    この動画の推定収益: 94000円



  • 叶さんホンマに最高やで
  • オススメに上がってきてアーカイブを見てるけど 安定感が凄い。誰かと喋るときも8割くらいが褒めてたり優しい内容で癒やされてる! 逆に喋りかけられても人柄がいいのか丁寧な人に囲まれてて のほほんとしてて好き!
  • 配信感謝!個人医本格始動かっこよかった
  • 個人医、とても難しいけどそこにやりがいを感じて楽しんでる姿、最高です!
  • 本格始動でめちゃめちゃかっこいいシーン沢山見れた! 長時間の配信感謝〜見どころしかなかった笑
  • 独特のスリルがあって面白かった!
  • タイトル回収痺れました 個人医かなかなかっこよすぎます!!
  • 毎日配信ありがとう〜! 長時間配信お疲れ様!!今日もめっちゃ面白かった!! ゆっくり休んで!おつかなえ愛𝚌𝚑𝚞
  • 配信者:Subaru Ch. 大空スバル

    36位:【#生スバル】最新ホラゲ!!!ウツロマユするしゅばあああああああああああああああああ!!!!/ - Hollow Cocoon -【ホロライブ/大空スバル】

    バズリスコア 136

    この動画の推定収益: 74000円



  • やっぱりスバルの物語を噛み砕く力は素晴らしいもんだなぁ ストーリー重視のゲームと相性抜群やでぇ
  • スバちゃんはやっぱストーリーしっかりしてるゲームがめっちゃ似合う!究極の2択をめっちゃ悩むのもスバちゃんらしくて良かった。ほんとその優しさ好きだわ
  • 序盤は雰囲気も相まってめっちゃ怖かったけど、慣れてきたらストーリーも面白くて楽しかった!
  • すばちゃんの優しさが滲み出る良いゲームでほんとに泣けた
  • 周りからご都合だなんだと言われても、ほんの少しでもハピエンの希望があるのを信じて進むスバルがわかりみしかなかった(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
  • どんなホラゲーで、スバルちゃんの悲鳴楽しみ〜って見てたら、思いっきりストーリーに惹き込まれてめっちゃ面白かった スバルちゃん、ありがとう 楽しかったよ 遅くまでありがとう、おやすみなさーい
  • 過去最高にバチクソ怖かった。雰囲気とかストーリーとかめっちゃ良っ!押し入れの中覗き込んでくるのエグいって!
  • 面白かった! ストーリーとか、2人目グラフィックが作り込まれてていいゲームだったし、スバルの配信の上手さがでてた! 2週目もやって欲しい
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