新着 vtuberランキング 2024年03月集計




配信者:IRyS Ch. hololive-EN

49位:【HOPE TO THE FUTURE 3D LIVE】 IRyS 2024 Birthday Live! #IRySBDay

バズリスコア 101

この動画の推定収益: 68000円



  • Hololive really upped their camera game this time. It definitely looks a lot less janky now with like less awkward positions; combined with IRyS' incredible showmanship (the singing and dance particularly). It's just spectacular. Happy Birthday IRyS
  • 恭喜IRyS突破100萬 希望能成為世界的希望 真的替她感到非常開心
  • Xに「ライブで『DEAD OR ALIVE』が神だった」ってあったからまさかと思って見に来たら、マジでファフナーの、angelaの『DEAD OR ALIVE』だったからビックリしたわ… 『shangri-la』が有名すぎてこればっかり歌われてるイメージがあるから、それ以外も歌われるのは嬉しいな。
  • One of the best 3D Livestreams I've ever witnessed, you really planned everything so well and thank you to the staff for organizing everything so well by making your ideas come true in this show! For the quality and pacing of everything I can only try to imagine how much hard work and effort was put behind everything, specially for singing and dancing at the same time, that's not easy feat, plus the editing and the camera views were top notch! My favourite part though was seeing you and Flare singing together, it was such a beautiful and meaningful moment for me^^
  • idk... after watching this live, "amazing", "awesome", "so good" were full in my head for the live, but I'm definitely sure they are totally not enough to express my feelings about this live. Not only to mention your vocals, but your dancing and song choices showed how much effort and heart you put into this live. The guests' dances were great, but your dances were even more smooth and beautiful, so I can tell you spent a lot of time practicing.
  • I was gonna wait for the super thanks function to appear to leave a comment , I guess it’s not happening still don’t see that button. I’ll SC you on another day. IRyS…I could wholeheartedly see and feel how much work and planning you’ve put in this. And congratulations, I think it was a HUGE success! I enjoyed every second of it, and just like 3DShowcase, this video will be one of my most replayed vod. I want to watch over and over again to admire every detail in your performance. The dance….the singing…..the emotions….the song list…the guests and their wonderful performance….it was such a SOLID show that I’d pay big bucks to watch.
  • IRyS がEGOISTを歌うっていうビジュがエモい。しかもちょううまい。
  • 全編通して最高だったのは当然として、ガーネットが特に涙腺きました… 歌詞の節々でアイリスと重なるように思えるところがあるわ、歌声が透き通りすぎてるわでもうね…(語彙消失
  • 配信者:Miko Ch. さくらみこ


    バズリスコア 95

    この動画の推定収益: 108000円



  • 意見調査中です。
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