歴代 動物ランキング 2023年10月集計





13位:「きみはペット」16話 未公開シーンちょい見せ

バズリスコア 454

この動画の推定収益: 7742000円



  • The way he looked at the woman and still continued kissing her, I LOVE THAT ENERGYYYY
  • Eu amo essa música,essa batida daci.yutube.BEAUTY Belíssima Sensualidade em cada movimento Que coisa........maravilhosa ver uma criança preocupado com a preservação da natureza! Lindo de ver!.....Parabéns Eve e Adam, Deus abençoe.
  • Nunca entenderé por qué eliminaron está escena, es simplemente increible
  • Why on earth was this scene deleted from the drama? This is what you call a good hot kiss, something you can hardly find in a K or C drama. This totally deserved to be included.
  • How he looked at her and continued was the best
  • I was never intended to watch this show but omg the way Shison Jun look at the other people when he's kissing make me blush. Must watch.
  • This is the hottest, steamiest, dreamiest scene. Should have been included and not a deleted scene. I mean, OMG! Takeshi doesn't miss a beat - he sees that gawking lady and just continues with that AH-mazing kiss with Sumire. If I'd been that gawking lady, I'd be a puddle. Okay, I'm going to be obsessing over this scene for a LONG time.
  • After watching the finale episode of the Jdrama kimi wa petto, I was kind of disappointed but after seeing this MV I'm very satisfied now with the ending.
  • The way he was looking at the old lady... ahh my heart is still beating so fast
  • I'm sad they left this scene out of the episode. It refers back to ep9 when he uses the elevator alone and presses the button for himself indicating that he considers himself as a pet. Now it is the moment when he is not a pet anymore, he took off his collar.
  • I love the way he looked at her
  • 配信者:aiudesk

    14位:まほうのペットやさん Magical Pet Shop

    バズリスコア 438

    この動画の推定収益: 7580000円



  • 意見が非公開の動画でした
    ( ;∀;)
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    15位:ずっと我慢してたサーモン登場に嬉しさ大爆発のカワウソ Otter Excited about Salmon Cheat Day

    バズリスコア 389

    この動画の推定収益: 5270000円



  • The little squeeks are so cute hahha
  • Kotaro takes his time eating salmon, because he wants to enjoy eating it. Hana eats her salmon as quick as she can, because it tastes so good, and she wants it in her tummy
  • Kotaro is clearly the one who likes to chew and savor the meal
  • I love how they pick up the food with their little tiny hands it's just so adorable
  • lol i love how kotaro doesn't realize you dont need to tilt ur head all the way up for the food to go in its so cute
  • ハナちゃん驚異的な速さ
  • Kotaro is like a distinguish gentle man still on the first date basis when eating, and then Hana is like past the first date basis and eating comfortably
  • Really cute how the otters actually eat at the dining table like actual children XD
  • I love how you can tell how they feel or what they’re trying to say with their little noises! So cute!
  • Awww the way Kotaro accepts the salmon from the hand, so polite, so gentle
  • コタローの不器用さと、ハナの食いしん坊がかわいすぎて、ほんと癒しですw
  • 配信者:inosemarine


    バズリスコア 341

    この動画の推定収益: 4770000円



  • 申し訳程度にケチャップ踏むの本当可愛いw
  • ことごとく邪魔していくの超絶可愛い ささみは食べるのに醤油のお豆腐には手を出さないの偉すぎる
  • 二度目も律儀にケチャップ踏んでくの好きすぎる。
  • 鶏のささみを全て食べてくの可愛くて好き 「準備できなかったらなくても結構」と、決してワンちゃんが食べたことに触れないのもまた好き
  • ウッキウキでササミ食い尽くしてんのかわいい
  • 犬 本人全く邪魔してることに気づいてない純粋さが可愛すぎる
  • このワンちゃん これ全部覚えて演じてくれてるってことだよね… めちゃくちゃ賢いじゃん
  • ご主人が音割れるくらい啜り泣いてるのに欠伸するイッヌ最高に無礼で好き。
  • わんちゃんがちゃんと食べれるの使ってるの愛を感じる
  • やって欲しくないことを分かっているかのようにやってのけるイッヌ賢くて草
  • もう7年も経つのに何回も見てしまう…
  • 配信者:Kute Cats

    17位:【面白い動画】 かわいい猫 - かわいい犬 - 最も面白いペットの動画 #16

    バズリスコア 318

    この動画の推定収益: 5480000円



  • Zwierzęta upodabniają się do właściciela, nawet go potrafią idealnie naśladować. Super️️️
  • Одна милота и удовольствие
  • Os animais a cada dia se tornam mais inteligentes.
  • Ki graça muito fofo amei parabéns
  • Очень доброго и мило. Спасибо за позитив.
  • Прекрасные условия содержания!Красота!Жизнь райская, когда так о восхитительных животных заботятся ️
  • At first, I thought they were stuffed toys, when they stayed still together in one corner of the play pen. So cute, those little white ones.
  • 動物さんたちが楽しくしている動画って こちらまで幸せになります。ありがとうございます
  • Милые, красивые животные Сами даже не подозревают, как они красивы и мило смотрятся очень мило.. Самая лучшая подборка
  • amei legal. maravilhas lindos .
  • Классное видео!) Такие интересные животные!!!
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    18位:カワウソコタローとハナ 父ちゃんのブラッシングでとろける Otter Kotaro&Hana So Comfy

    バズリスコア 306

    この動画の推定収益: 4312000円



  • God it makes me so happy to know that these little sausage cats can live for up to 25 years
  • OMG I could watch and listen to these absolutely adorable creatures from God all day!!!
  • Балдеет солнышко.
  • Little Hanna loves to be pampered like a princess, her yawning and stretching out as you brushed her fur was just off the charts cute. I have no doubt whatsoever she could melt the heart of even the most stern of individuals without even so much as trying LOLXD!!.. ️
  • Cute
  • Hana being combed is without doubt the most serene, comfiest, happy little shiny otter ever seen <3
  • How could 6,000 people dislike this? They're nuts!
  • Love Kota & Hana.
  • It warms my heart to see these videos of Kotaro and Hana. They are so loved and well taken care of. Precious.
  • Me watching as My girlfriend brushes My hair, Ive nothing to envy these otters
  • Imagine being this otter. The universe has chosen you to live only a happy life
  • 見どころ!


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