歴代 動物ランキング 2023年10月集計





43位:カワウソに初めて炭酸水あげたらとんでもない事になった Otter Reacts To Trying Sparkling Water

バズリスコア 119

この動画の推定収益: 1688000円



  • I love their persistence. Stick a nose in the bottle, snort/sneeze, try again, and again, and again, because it's still an adventure.
  • I've felt this way about sparkling water my entire life. I feel validated. Too adorable as always but this one is extra adorable.
  • Спасибо Васе Шакулину за этот контент - это потрясающе!
  • Taking the cap off is so sweet the cute things they do are really neat for you to share. It's enjoyable also for the otters learning thing's that may suprise them.
  • I like how one dipped their hand in it, not believing water could be so spicy
  • Never in a million years would I have ever thought I'd laugh this much at sparkling water. Great channel you got here.
  • I love how they dip their hands then try again. It's like the inner monologue is going "hmm... It feels like water but WHY IS IT STABBING MY MOUTH PARTS?"
  • Kotaro is so smart? I was so impressed he could tell the difference between the waters just by putting his paw in to feel the bubbles. Meanwhile Hana had to check with her whole face every time
  • i never realized how intelligent otters are. it was very impressive to me that kotaro was able to take off the bottle cap all on his own.
  • кто то смотрит это после "рейтинг всего"?)
  • I love how their love for making a mess with water draws them back over and over hoping the carbonation is gone. I laughed so hard they were so cute.
  • 配信者:Fischer's-フィッシャーズ-

    44位:“透明な犬”を散歩してみたドッキリ!!invisible dog prank

    バズリスコア 119

    この動画の推定収益: 1896000円



  • 子どもが後ろから勢いつけて来てぶつかってるのに、倒れないシルクは流石だと思った(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
  • 透明な犬と本物の犬が遊んでるとこかわいい
  • 犬が戯れるのかわええな そして周りの人達に感動
  • 通りすがりの人:あら可愛いですねー シルク:可愛いですよねー
  • 子供好きなシルクは喋り方も優しいね
  • 透明な犬が子供たちに撫でてくれて嬉しいですね
  • シルクがお兄ちゃんやったら人生最高。
  • ほんとシルク子供好きだよなー すっごいいい人だよな
  • 犬見知りw 投げるなぁ!とかンダホのたまのツッコミおもろいwww
  • これの仕組み知らなくて、めっちゃ気になってたけど、この動画みて、あ、なるほどって思えた ところでシルクの最後のちびっ子へのありがとうが好きすぎる
  • 「ンダホやンダホ」可愛いつぼる笑
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    45位:カワウソが誕生日に初めてのバイキングで食べ放題! Otter Kotaro Birthday Buffet Party!

    バズリスコア 115

    この動画の推定収益: 1652000円



  • Princess Hana gave Kotaro the LAST PIECE OF SALMON for his birthday. See, she does love him!
  • Happy Birthday Kotaro!
  • Chúc mừng sinh nhật Kotaro nha
  • I love how Kotaro took his time to make his decision on which food to eat very carefully
  • サーモン大好きなの可愛いですね わんちゃんや猫ちゃんみたいに口で食べず、一旦お手手で取ってから食べてるのが毎回ツボです そして倍速なのかってくらい機敏でちょっと落ち着きないおっちょこちょいな動きもとても可愛いです️
  • It is so sweet that Kotaro went to invite Hana to join the buffet.
  • コタロー泣 ちゃんとハナちゃんを呼びに行くなんて偉いぞー この動画は尊すぎる
  • So cute (ㄒoㄒ)
  • 愛されてるなぁ コタローくん、4歳おめでとうございます!
  • I almost can't believe that Kotaro actually stopped eating so he could go call Hana to share the feast. That otter's a better person than most people.
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    46位:はじめて人間の赤ちゃんを見たカワウソのリアクションが面白い Otters Meet Baby For The First Time

    バズリスコア 111

    この動画の推定収益: 1736000円



  • When Hana and Kotaro realized they were children, they lay down on their stomachs and crawled across the floor to appear smaller!
  • Children are so good and well behaved. The otters are so sweet. Adorable! ️
  • Боже Мой какие же они хорошенькие милые животные
  • カワウソちゃん、可愛らしい子だから、 優しく撫でてあげよう️
  • Милота!!!! Прелесть!!! Любовь!!!
  • the way Hana and Kotaro switched to gentle mode by starting to crawl across the floor was the most adorable thing I've ever seen
  • Love the children's matching outfits and their chill attitude with the otters. Very adorable!
  • Очень милые и дети и выдры!
  • I like when Kotaro is smelling the baby and he says "You smell funny..." The baby was thinking... "you ain't seen nothing yet!" LOL
  • Какие лапочки...выдры!!!
  • Your friends’ children are so sweet and gentle with the otters! They are behaving very calmly and playing nicely so as not to scare the otters. Their parents have taught them well.
  • 配信者:プリンセス姫スイートTV Princess Hime Suite TV

    47位:★「ママに内緒でおやつ食べちゃった~!ペット」ジューシードロップポップ★Juicy Drop Pop&Megamouth★

    バズリスコア 104

    この動画の推定収益: 1830000円



  • 意見が非公開の動画でした
    ( ;∀;)
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    48位:新しくなったプールとすべり台にカワウソが大喜びしてブチギレる・・!! Otters Ready to Make a Splash in New Pool

    バズリスコア 102

    この動画の推定収益: 536000円



  • Such beautiful flowers! Oooow...how cozy.
  • ハナちゃんニャムニャムはめちゃ可愛いのに、ホースに敵対心丸出しこっわぁー でも可愛い ところでホースガジガジされて穴は空かないのですか?
  • The thumbnail for this is just pure perfection!
  • Oooo my king is getting ready for swim like the king he is and hanna is sassy like always o ooo so cute love your videos and like always the translation is unique loved ...
  • Милота зашкаливает️
  • I love how Kotaro was freaking out then realized you were setting up new pool and then wanted to help as usual. The best part was watching them sit at the table eating together.
  • 食べながら鳴くの可愛い️
  • I love how chill Kotaro when Dad tease him with the ball. He's so focused with maintenance.
  • Hana having a flower behind her ear and Kotaro smelling the flowers was too cute! And Kotaro was so helpful putting up the slide with dad!
  • These two otters are very funny.. They really have their own personality. I always take some time to watch them.
  • Как здорово вы все обновили, цветы и деревья великолепны! Новый бассейн и горка просто класс! Хана-настоящий цветочек, а Катаро мастер на все руки обожаем вас! Лето, приходи!!!
  • 見どころ!


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