歴代 動物ランキング 2023年11月集計




配信者:Universal Pictures All-Access

19位:The Secret Life of Pets 2 | Max and Duke Go on a Road Trip!

バズリスコア 297

この動画の推定収益: 5102000円



  • 意見調査中です。
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    20位:新しいプールに大喜びのカワウソとキレまくるカワウソ Otters Can't Wait to Swim in New Pool

    バズリスコア 283

    この動画の推定収益: 4302000円



  • Omg It’s so cute how Hana doesn’t like the hose but kotaro does
  • Никогда не думала, чтр выдры такие милашки и так любят своих хозяев
  • I'll never be happier in my entire life than these two with a kid's swimming pool.
  • I just love how Kotara really gets into the hose. I used to have a duck that acted like that. So cute.
  • I had no idea otters were like that. They're extremely cute and so playful. And I've never heard their adorable noises before
  • It's always amazing to see the way otters move so smoothly under water. Their bodies look so typical of land mammals. No flippers, just paws and feet. The tail doesn't look like it can do very much in the water in the water, either. But then they go into the water and move around like salmon. It's astounding.
  • Kotaro immediately finding the hose as it's still filling up the pool, and then stopping everything to play with it. Respect his commitment to staying on brand.
  • Me and my younger sister want a handshake from Kotaro. His little hand sticking out of the pool is too cute. *virtual handshake
  • So funny how Hana doesn’t like the hose, but Kotaro loves the hose
  • Acabo de descubrir este canal y ya siento que amo desde siempre a Hana y Kotaro️ Muy lindos, hacen que mi corazón no pueda parar de llenarse de felicidad
  • I just love all the love , attention and caring they are giving to Kotaro and Hana All animals should be treated like that .
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    21位:一週間ぶりの帰宅を大喜びで出迎えてくれるカワウソ Otters Jump with Joy Welcoming Dad Home from Trip

    バズリスコア 261

    この動画の推定収益: 318000円



  • Какие они милые. Хозяина встречают как собачки.
  • Очень милые! И условия у них созданы прекрасные, спасибо хозяину
  • Какие , оказывается, милые выдры !!! И такие преданные хозяину!!
  • There is almost nothing sweeter than Kotaro and Hana, who notice through the door slot that their father is back and are completely out of control ️
  • OMG!!! I just love how Kotaro and Hana love their mom & dad. These babies are everything
  • Kotaro's conversation with the roomba while he's busy feasting is too funny!
  • While Kotaro always has to feel everything with his finger, Hana has to put everything in her mouth You know Kotaro is happy when his big eyes get even bigger, bigger than you would have thought possible
  • Kotaro and Hana literally jumping for joy is so adorable. Hana says "I missed you" with cuddling, and Kotaro says it with bites!
  • Какие добрые и заботливые хозяева у этих милых, умных , ласковых выдр! Такая идиллия!..
  • Очень мило! Хороший папа и очень ласковые выдры
  • Урааааа!!!! Наконец-то любимый папуля вернулся! Мимика и жесты Котаро и Ханы- просто великолепны!!! Радость космического масштаба!!!
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    22位:カワウソ コタロー 誕生日おめでとう!鯛の姿造りと刺身盛に大興奮!! Kotaro the Otter Happy 1st Birthday!

    バズリスコア 225

    この動画の推定収益: 3380000円



  • Soo cute the way he grabs food with paws and put into mouth, chewing like there was no tomorrow
  • I love how these otters sit at the table - they are more well behaved that some people I have seen.
  • Kotaro was so excited after examining his bday surprise, then he was looking around for his soy and wasabi dips
  • It's sooo cute how he grabs the food with his paws
  • Awww a coisa mais fofa que vi hoje! Queria muito uma
  • He's so excited he doesn't know where to start.
  • It’s cute how he kind of plays with his food with his little arms
  • I love the way baby Kotaro eats and gives Daddy a high five! LOL
  • Aí meu Deus que fofura e olha a felicidade que está de ganhar um peixinho não sabe por onde começar.... um amor mesmo
  • Kotaro é um amorzinho!
  • Aww, baby Kotaro! Back before he was grumpy-bear and, more importantly, before Hana was around to steal his food
  • 配信者:LOUTRE

    23位:カワウソおつゆが出産しました! Otter Gave Birth!!

    バズリスコア 214

    この動画の推定収益: 3018000円



  • This is the first time I've heard a mother otter crying in labor pains while giving birth... she is a really good mother!
  • Такое это Чудо- рождение новой жизни Такая хорошая мамочка, а малыши- просто прелесть
  • Que impresionante. La madre toma al bebé en sus manos, y pobrecita sufrió por varias horas el dolor del parto. Hermoso video. Gracias por cuidarlas.
  • Estes animais sao mais amorosos que muitas mães homanas!
  • Aww her sister was so supportive ️. And it was so cool how she went from confusion straight into her motherly duties. ️ it also was super funny when she started looking for the other baby lol.
  • Que vídeo lindo, Mamãe Lontra dando a luz os seus Bebês.Traduzido em Português ; melhor aínda.Obrigadaaaaa.
  • What a beautiful scene. The sisters are so close. Otsuyu’s labour pains seemed to last for ages, the poor little thing. It's amazing how quickly she instinctively took to caring for her newborn infants.
  • Amor de mae é coisa de Deus, nao tem explicação
  • She such a good mother. She kept trying to take care of the baby otter while giving birth to the other baby otter. That called being a loving good mother.
  • Beautiful birthing. Congratulations to you all. I am very pleased to see both pups survived and are thriving well. 美しい出産。おめでとうございます。 2匹とも元気に育ってくれて、とても嬉しいです。
  • I just love the way she hold her baby otter, so darn adorable, God bless them all!
  • 配信者:Fischer's-フィッシャーズ-


    バズリスコア 208

    この動画の推定収益: 3228000円



  • ンダホが「モカもモカなりに頑張ってるもんね」ってモカを褒めてるところが好き。 怒ったり叱るんじゃなくて良いところ見つけて褒めてくれるの良いな。
  • コミュニケーションしてないけど 3匹共互いに噛み付いたり 威嚇しないのは実はすごいと思う
  • モカちゃん撫でて欲しくて歩くの可愛いすぎる
  • チクワのオウオウって言う鳴き声が可愛いすぎる♡
  • 飼い主に似る チクワ・マサイ→活発美形 チャッピー・ぺけ→大人しい細身
  • モカちゃんが撫でてもらいたくてよちよち歩いて行くの 可愛すぎるぅ
  • シルクが猫あやしてる時の「おいでおいで」って声が優しくて安心する
  • またこの企画やって欲しい、癒しを求めて定期的にここへ来ちゃう
  • モカちゃん撫で撫でしたら歩くの可愛いすぎる
  • ぺけたんの「自信持てばいいのに」からのくだり好き! ほんとに好きなんだなぁ〜って分かるから癒される️
  • 何回観ても癒される動画。3頭の犬たちがそれぞれ個性があってカワイイ。チクワの真似して荒ぶるマサイの横で笑うンダホの笑顔が尊い。あまり歩けないモカに優しく声をかけるマサイぺけたんが大好き。チャッピーの心を短時間で和ませるシルクは流石!
  • 見どころ!


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