歴代 動物ランキング 2023年11月集計





31位:カワウソの前でポップコーン作ったらリアクションが面白すぎるコタロー Otter Reaction to Popcorn Maker

バズリスコア 157

この動画の推定収益: 2306000円



  • Omg their little hands and the sounds they make are beyond adorable.
  • I love how they act like cats. Otters seem so insatiabely curious about everything. It's just too cute.
  • Watching Hana catch the popcorn and thought she'd make a great goalie!
  • Otters are one of the cutest animals on this planet. They’re so funny, too lol.
  • lol the way they run and hop up the stairs is soooooo adorable
  • I love the part where they just run for cover when the popcorn starts popping. Too
  • The level of intelligence of these beings is astonishing. They are figuring out the process of what it is, how it works, is it threatening, is it edible. What wonderful creatures!
  • They’re very cute and I love all their mannerisms especially how they run and slide under the couch it’s great there are two otters so that they no one is lonely I think it would’ve been way easier to train them to eat the food if you had eaten it in front of them. If they saw their papa eating it, they would immediately know it’s food.
  • I love how one of them actually held up their paws like they were going "Throw me some more chicken!"
  • Elas são muito curiosas e muito fofas! 🇧🇷
  • Omg, cuteness overload! The sounds they make are just too adorable
  • 配信者:PECOチャンネルさん【癒やしのペット動画】


    バズリスコア 157

    この動画の推定収益: 2530000円



  • 添い寝するもぐちゃん見守るもぐちゃんシール貼られるもぐちゃん帽子かぶらされるもぐちゃん、素敵な家族に出会えて良かったね(*´▽`*)
  • 犬と抱き合って添い寝してる姿なんて、見てるだけで幸せになる。
  • Mogu is a baby sitter! She takes care of the girls all the time. I love how they just naturally sleep together everywhere lol
  • Love the respect that is given from both the dog and the babes. It shows that even the very young can be taught how to treat pets with love.
  • Страхотни... Обичаме много животните!! Благодарим!!!
  • もぐちゃんお世話してる姿がほんとに2人のお姉ちゃんに見えてきた。 素敵な3人姉妹(≧▽≦)
  • 一緒に添い寝するところ可愛すぎる
  • 人間の5倍のスピードで生きるもぐちゃん。これからも健康で長生きして 子供達が成長する姿をずっと見守って欲しい。
  • 子供も犬も反則級の可愛さだな…
  • This is so adorable! I loved seeing this pretty puppy growing up and getting a precious little baby Sister. The two of them together, laughing, and growing is really Beautiful. Thanks for sharing
  • Que fofos!️
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    33位:かつてないほどの猛アタックを受けるカワウソがまさかの行動 Male Otter Confused by Female in Heat

    バズリスコア 140

    この動画の推定収益: 2002000円



  • I love how Kotaro just was constantly giving off "Mom, come pick me up" energy
  • I never thought I could see an animal look uncomfortable until Kotaro
  • Kotaro isn’t a victim he’s a survivor
  • Kotaro can smell the child support from a mile away
  • The two otters are adorable. The female otter was very persistent, and the male otter was equally resistant. Lol
  • i always thought kotaro and hana were siblings....but this.....changes everything
  • OK the way she hugged him from behind was too adorable ️
  • You just know theyre gonna be such a perfect couple once they both mature at the right time, that recent insta video of Kotaro grooming Hana under a blanket while she goes all - w - is just so precious...
  • I never would’ve thought I’d feel single because of otters
  • My aunt has a really large border collie named Rocky, and he's an absolute sweetheart. She had a female named Maggy which she wanted to breed with him but Rocky turned out to be too soft and not aggressive enough (In fact she's the one that mounts for some reason) either way she ended up getting another female named Bab's who was also too aggressive for poor Rocky to mate with, some animals are just too wholesome.
  • The thumbnail perfectly captures the essence of this video. Kotaro extremely done with it and Hana being persistent
  • 配信者:HIMAWARIちゃんねる


    バズリスコア 134

    この動画の推定収益: 2324000円



  • 意見調査中です。
  • 配信者:Fischer's-フィッシャーズ-


    バズリスコア 133

    この動画の推定収益: 2010000円



  • 時間帯や1日の疲れが溜まった夜に、みんなでやるこの難しさ…そしてカメラで撮影してるこの状態… あまりにも状況が整ってないように思えるが、これでこそ諦めずに向かってく価値があるってものです️
  • モトキ、他の人が失敗しても拍手して応援したり、「惜しい惜しい」ってたくさんフォローしてあげてて、ほんとに優しい人なんだなって思った
  • 上手く言えないけど どこで何回失敗しても責めずに 笑って場を盛り上げてく 仲間の友情って本当にかっけーよな
  • 編集すればどうとでもなるのに諦めないのが本当にすごい だから好きなんだよな、、、、
  • 責めないっていう優しさがフィッシャーズのいい所だよね
  • 定期的に見て何度も思ってるけど 芯を持って真剣に取り組む人は カッコイイ
  • このチーム本当に好き。 失敗しちゃった時だって責めずにいけるよ!とか次はいけるよ!などと気遣いが素晴らしい。そしてごめんって謝ってるところも。最後まで諦めないところも本当に尊敬する。 このチームはずっと大好き。
  • 「無理だった」っていう結論にしないとかかっこ良すぎだろ
  • 失敗しても全員がメンバーを攻めないあたり好き! 5時間お疲れさまでした。
  • 見ててしんどくなったのに出来た時嬉しさがやばかったやってないのになんかこっちまで嬉しさが伝わって来るめっちゃ良かった
  • 疲れてるはずなのにプライドを曲げないマサイのカッコ良さよ
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    36位:カワウソに初めてヘッドマッサージャーを使ってみた結果 Otter Reacts to Head Massager

    バズリスコア 132

    この動画の推定収益: 2178000円



  • I love Kotaro's "I must touch it, but I won't make eye contact" strategy.
  • Kotaro is sooo adorable, he wants to know everything. His curiosity blows me away. He is not afraid, he wants to understand. Hana is different if it looks weird she wants to stay away from it.
  • Kotaro is so smart. He is curious about every thing.
  • I love the way Kotaro freezes when the thunder strikes. He finally enjoys the back massage but through the blanket. ️️️
  • Kotaro is so adorable and curious, it's surprising how intrigued he is by everything around him.
  • I ️️️ how Kotaro was moving his own hands in little half-circles when he first saw it!
  • as long as kotaro is under a blanket, then he loves a massage on his back
  • Kotaro's reaction was my favorite. He seems to think it's a chew toy.
  • Acho tão fofa a maneira como Kotarinho come!
  • I like how she moved the slippers. She knew it was moving into "I will chew everything soft" mode.
  • Papa is naughty, he always presents weird stuff to his otter kids. But their reaction is so precious
  • 見どころ!


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