歴代 動物ランキング 2023年11月集計




配信者:Toby & Pi Family


バズリスコア 117

この動画の推定収益: 1930000円



  • ちびっこ達を見守る表情が優しすぎます♪ ボビーくんも眠たそうだけどちびっこ達が寝はじめたら腕を動かさないでいてあげてる優しさも素敵ですね(>_<)
  • ボビーくんがミッキーくんとモモちゃんが寝ているから、 足を動かさないように、、、起こさないように、、、 と、気を遣いながら寝ようとしている姿に愛を感じますね️
  • Sem palavras pra descrever esta cena 🇧🇷
  • 腕枕を崩さないのスゴい 優しさが溢れてる
  • ボビーくんの腕枕最高だよね️ 安心しきった仔猫たちの寝顔が愛おしすぎる
  • ボビーくん眠そうなの耐えてるのめちゃくちゃかわいい…笑笑
  • 大きくて暖かくて落ち着くのかな 安心しきった寝顔が可愛すぎる(* ´ ▽ ` *)
  • ボビー先生、眠そうなのに寝るに寝れないw 良い人感が溢れてる
  • こんなにじっとしているのはとても大変なのに子猫ちゃん達のために。ボビーくんの優しさが溢れてますね。
  • Какая милота здоровья хозяевам и воспитанникам
  • 配信者:HIMAWARIちゃんねる


    バズリスコア 117

    この動画の推定収益: 2056000円



  • 意見調査中です。
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    45位:カワウソが誕生日に初めてのバイキングで食べ放題! Otter Kotaro Birthday Buffet Party!

    バズリスコア 115

    この動画の推定収益: 1656000円



  • I love how Kotaro took his time to make his decision on which food to eat very carefully
  • They are so compassionate to each other, from Kotaro getting Hanna to join him on the feast to Hanna letting Kotaro have the food. I can't believe I witness from an animal what caring and love look like.
  • I love how Kotaro is so neat when he eats and then you pan over to hana and there are crumbs everywhere
  • I almost can't believe that Kotaro actually stopped eating so he could go call Hana to share the feast. That otter's a better person than most people.
  • Kotaro looked up and waited just long enough to say a quick itadakimasu before checking everything out. So cute!
  • Awwh he's ALL EXCITED about his birthday buffet! Yay Kotaro The way he's enjoying his cell phone case is adorable (Hopefully you'll have a birthday buffet for little Hana too)
  • Que gracinha ele indo buscar a irmã pra comer
  • It's very cute to see how he got really excited after smelling all of them
  • Amei a festa. Parabéns para as lontrinhas. Muito amor da família para com as lontrinhas.
  • It is so sweet that Kotaro went to invite Hana to join the buffet.
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    46位:はじめて人間の赤ちゃんを見たカワウソのリアクションが面白い Otters Meet Baby For The First Time

    バズリスコア 111

    この動画の推定収益: 1740000円



  • When Hana and Kotaro realized they were children, they lay down on their stomachs and crawled across the floor to appear smaller!
  • Love the children's matching outfits and their chill attitude with the otters. Very adorable!
  • the way Hana and Kotaro switched to gentle mode by starting to crawl across the floor was the most adorable thing I've ever seen
  • I like when Kotaro is smelling the baby and he says "You smell funny..." The baby was thinking... "you ain't seen nothing yet!" LOL
  • Kotaro and Hana are simply too special! Love how they interact with the kids
  • I absolutely love it when an animal recognizes a baby and acts accordingly like like being more gentle with them or trying to appear smaller
  • The little boy was being so gentle & Hannah was mimicking the baby
  • Kotaro and Hana are simply too special! Love how they interact with the kids
  • This is adorable. Kotaro loves humans so much that I almost wish the kids had shown more interest in him. But oh well. It's good to see that the interaction of the otters and children went so well.
  • Thank you for sharing your life with us. I'm in Ontario, Canada, and this has brought a smile to many faces, including all my friends I'm now sharing these videos with around the world too. Give Hana and Kotaro some extra salmon for me, and a cute little belly rub as well.
  • Muito fofo! So cute! 🇧🇷
  • 配信者:Pookies【プーキーズ】


    バズリスコア 102

    この動画の推定収益: 1564000円



  • 抱きしめたお猿ちゃんに対してなんも声をかけずにただ撫でるの優しいなあ
  • 動物って正直な生き物だから 意外に 仲良かった者のこと の感情が凄くて
  • 涙が止まりません。子どもや動物相手に「死」を説明するのは本当に難しいなか カイくんが理解してくれたような行動をしていて、ちゃんと伝わるんだなと思いました。
  • 動物って人間が思ってるよりずっと賢くて愛情深いよな、、
  • お猿さんは賢いから飼い主さんが伝えようとしている事を自分なりに理解し気持ちの整理をしたと私は思います。気にしてる子には理解させてあげる時間って動物の種類関係無く、必要なんだなと認識しました。意味ある事をされていると思います。
  • こんな純粋で優しい動物たちを、 本当に大切にして欲しいと思いました。
  • 人類の進化の過程でも「仲間の死の理解」が一種のターニングポイントだったはずです ひたすら探し回っていたカイくんが、擬似的な葬儀を経たことでちゃんと死を理解し、さらにはすぐに分別をつけたあたり、賢くて心優しい気持ちの持ち主であることがわかります
  • 賢い動物に生まれたからこそこうゆう事を1つ1つ理解して未来に影響を受けない賢い考え方や行動をしてるのがマジで人間だわ…
  • 動物同士の愛って本当に感慨深い
  • しっかり伝えてあげるの優しい。動物にもこういう時間は必要ですね、、、ちゃんと伝わるもんですね。
  • 人間と違って泣くっていうのがない分、切なさが大きく感じますね… お骨を抱きしめるところは本当に心にきました…いい家族を持ってよかったなぁ
  • 配信者:KOTSUMET

    48位:カワウソのカップル同士が出会ったら大変なことに・・!最強女子うい登場! What Happens When Otter Couples Meet?

    バズリスコア 99

    この動画の推定収益: 1550000円



  • Kotaro is very smart! He probably thought swimming like a dolphin was better than a normal swim
  • I love how at the end as Ui is yelling at Hana and Kotaro for invading their tent, the camera pans to Aty just looking so done with her antics xD
  • This is like letting your kids have an extreme play date. I know you guys were so tired when the day was over. So cute
  • Hopefully the more she goes out and socializes Ui will eventually be less stressed around her new friends
  • Jajajaja que feliz día de cumpleaños que pasaron todos !!!,y Kotaro estaba desorbitado!!!, jajaja,que hermoso todo ahí!!!!
  • Once again , Kotaro displays the dolphin technique. Really miss the time when Kotaro and Aty were so loving. Hopefully Ui can be as close with Kotaro and Hana one day.
  • Even though Ui is aggressive you can see how she was almost always in front of atty, that protectiveness is pretty sweet don’t ya think
  • I love how, in the opening scene where Ui is freaking out and digging and losing her mind, when otterman finally picks her up and is holding her up at eye level looking her in the eyes, and she's just kind of dangling in the air there with dirt all over her face... and she looks remorseful, with this look on her face that's just like, "sorry, Dad..."
  • Nothing makes me happier than watching you guys altogether. And UI is insane! LOL. But it's funny at the end when you guys are all just kind of sitting there staring at her. And then Aty just looks over and goes I'm gonna hang out with Kitaro and Hannah now she's nuts! LOL. So funny
  • Incredible footage, thank you. I do enjoy seeing our babies in their natural habitat at these campgrounds. I was so scared for Kotaro there for a moment, when he was being carried away by the current! Our city otters were just learning about river swimming. But what a fantastic job he did of suddenly rearing up and employing his dolphin swim.technique! BTW, is anyone going to note that Hana was using it to swim in the shallows herself? She's really coming along.
  • Ui probably thought she was intimidating with her angry squeaking, but to us she's just a different kind of adorable.
  • 見どころ!


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